BBE1450E DATA DICTIONARY SERVICE FAILED. FUNC=function, RC=return_code, RSN=reason_code[, ELEM=data_element xxxx/yyyy]


One or more errors were detected when the function function of the Data Dictionary Service was running. Hexadecimal values return_code and reason_code show the return and reason codes of the error, respectively. If the errors are detected in specific data elements, data_element shows the name of the data element, and hexadecimal values xxxx and yyyy show the return and reason codes of the error, respectively.

System action

DB Sensor processing ends with return code 8.

User response

Determine if the correct load module library for Policy Services is specified in your JCL. See the IMS Tools Base Policy Services User’s Guide to determine the meaning of the return code and reason code. Correct the error and rerun the job. If the problem persists, contact IBM® Software Support.