What's new in Data Sensor?

This topic summarizes the technical changes for this edition.

New and changed information is denoted either by a character in the left margin or by carets (Symbol that indicates the start of new or changed content and Symbol that indicates the end of new or changed content) at the beginning and end of the new or changed information. Editorial changes that have no technical significance are not noted.

Revision markers follow these general conventions:

  • Only technical changes are marked; style and grammatical changes are not marked.
  • If part of an element, such as a paragraph, syntax diagram, list item, task step, or figure is changed, the entire element is marked with revision markers, even though only part of the element might have changed.
  • If a topic is changed by more than 50%, the entire topic is marked with revision markers (so it might seem to be a new topic, even though it is not).

Revision markers do not necessarily indicate all the changes made to the information because deleted text and graphics cannot be marked with revision markers.

Start of change

SC19-3283-05 (May 2022)

Description Related APARs
Updated the explanation section and the system action section of message BBE1323I. N/A
End of change

SC19-3283-04 (April 2021)

SC19-3283-03 (October 2016)

Description Related APARs
Information for Recovery Sensor is described in Using Stand-alone Recovery Sensor. N/A

SC19-3283-02 (September 2016)

Description Related APARs
Information to support APAR PI59655 is added to the following topics: PI59655
Information to support APAR PI63567 is added to the following topics: PI63567
Updated several topics to support IBM® IMS Database Utility Solution for z/OS®. N/A

SC19-3283-01 (December 2014)

Description Related APARs
Information to support APAR PM50736 is added to the following topics: PM50736
Information to support APAR PM55324 is added to Creating a site default table for FP Stand-alone DB Sensor. PM55324
Information to support APAR PM73363 is added to GLOBAL command keywords for FP Stand-alone DB Sensor. PM73363
Information to support APAR PM76414 is added to the following topics: PM76414
Information to support APAR PM79336 is added to EXEC and DD statements for FP Stand-alone DB Sensor. PM79336
Information to support APAR PI05155 and PI06811 is added to the following topics: PI05155 and PI06811
Information to support APAR PI08979 is added to GLOBAL command keywords for FF Stand-alone DB Sensor. PI08979
Information to support APAR PI06716 is added to the following topics: PI06716
Documentation updates are made to the following topics: N/A