Setting up the global option modules

Create global option modules and, optionally, assign alias names to the global option modules. At least one global option module must be present when Integrity Checker is started because Integrity Checker uses it to obtain the name of the LICON data set that it uses.

Before you begin

See Integrity Checker configuration requirements and determine the number of global option modules to create. Also, determine whether to share a global option module across multiple IMS subsystems.


  1. Create global option modules.

    To create global option modules, use the FABLPGEN procedure and provide the control statements by using the SYSIN input stream. The FABLPGEN procedure is in the SHPSSAMP data set. For an instruction, see Global option module generation macro.

    Tip: To avoid activating Integrity Checker until all of your installation activities are complete, have no global option modules created.
  2. If you want more than one IMS subsystems to use a set of options that are defined in a single global option module, use the linkage editor to assign an alias name to the global option module.

    In a database sharing environment where multiple IMS subsystems share databases, the LICON data set and option values that are defined in the global option module must be the same across the IMS subsystems. Assigning aliases is beneficial in such an environment as well as in XRF environments.

    Use the following job to assign an alias name to the global option module.

    //LKED   JOB
    //         SPACE=(1024,(100,10),RLSE),DISP=(,DELETE)
    //SYSLIN   DD *                                                      
     INCLUDE  SYSLMOD(LIU@IMSA)  /* Global option module for IMSID=IMSA */ 
              ALIAS  LIU@IMSB    /* Alias for IMSID=IMSB                */ 
              NAME   LIU@IMSA    /* Original name for IMSID=IMSA        */