Defining the subordinate address space procedure

IMS™ Index Builder can initiate multiple subordinate address spaces to perform scans, to perform sorts, and to support the API for IMS Index Builder integration with IMS Database Recovery Facility (DRF). Each subordinate address space is a started task that by default executes the subordinate address space procedure named IIUBSRT.

About this task

Follow the procedure to define the IIUBSRT started task.


  1. Ensure that the JCL that runs IMS Index Builder has the IMS Index Builder load library in the STEPLIB concatenation.

    The master address space determines its load library's data set name from its STEPLIB. This data set name is passed in the IIUSTEPL parameter when the master address space starts the IIUBSRT procedure. This process ensures that the master and subordinate address spaces use the same software level.

  2. Define the IIUBSRT started task JCL, as in the following example.

    This example is also placed into SIIUPROC during the SMP/E installation.

    Figure 1. Example of subordinate address space procedure (IIUBSRT)
    //*       Standard SAS  Procedure for IMS IB V3 R1                    *         
    //IIUBSRT  PROC IIUSTEPL=                                                       
    //IEFPROC  EXEC  PGM=IIUBSCTL,REGION=233M,TIME=1439,PERFORM=60                  
    //STEPLIB  DD    DISP=SHR,DSN=&IIUSTEPL                                         
    //IIUPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         
    //SYSOUT   DD  SYSOUT=*                                                         
    //SYSUDUMP DD  DUMMY                                                            

    You can add the DFSPARM DD statement to provide sort control options. Because you can use any compatible sort product with IMS Index Builder, you must refer to the sort product documentation to understand the sort control options that are provided by the DFSPARM DD statement.

    The following table shows the default procedure name and the default job names for subordinate address spaces. You can override the default names by using the runtime parameters module (IIURPRMS) or by providing the names with the control statements in each IMS Index Builder job.
    Table 1. Procedure name and job names for subordinate address spaces
      Default name Override with the runtime parameters module (IIURPRMS) Override with a control statement
    Procedure name IIUBSRT IIURSORT entry IIURSORT control statement
    Job name for the sequential scan (only for HALDBs) IIUSCANS IIURDFLT SCAN entry JOBNSCAN control statement
    Job name for the index sort IIUSORTS IIURDFLT SORTP entry JOBNSORT control statement
    Job name for IMS Database Recovery Facility integration IIUAPIFC IIURDFLT APIP entry N/A