Configuring the IMS Tools Knowledge Base server

You can use IMS™ Tools Knowledge Base to store IMS Index Builder reports in the output repository.


To write reports to the output repository of IMS Tools Knowledge Base, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the IMS Tools Base IMS Tools Knowledge Base product.
  2. Set up an IMS Tools Knowledge Base server.
  3. Register IMS Index Builder to the registry of the IMS Tools Knowledge Base server by following the instructions in the topic "Registering IMS Tools products by using the definition table of the product" in the Tools Base Configuration Guide for IMS. The product definition table for registering IMS Index Builder is IIUTITKB.
  4. Follow the instructions in the topic "Listing registered products and reports" in the Tools Base Configuration Guide for IMS to list the registered products and reports, and ensure that IMS Index Builder (product ID is DX) has been added.
  5. If needed, add the definitions for the RECON data sets.

What to do next

After you complete these steps, IMS Index Builder reports can be stored in the Output repository of IMS Tools Knowledge Base. To store reports in the repository, you must also change the IMS Index Builder JCL as follows:
  • Include the IMS Tools Knowledge Base load library by one of the following ways:
    • Add the IMS Tools Knowledge Base load library to the STEPLIB DD concatenation.
    • Specify the IMS Tools Knowledge Base load library by coding the ITKBLOAD control statement or specifying it as the default runtime parameter.
  • Specify the IMS Tools Knowledge Base server name by coding the ITKBSRVR control statement or specifying it as the default runtime parameter.

Before you run IMS Index Builder jobs, always confirm that the IMS Tools Knowledge Base server is initialized.