Verifying IMS Index Builder installation

Before you use IMS™ Index Builder, it is recommended that you run the installation verification program to verify that the installation and the configurations were successful.


  1. Run the sample members of the target library SIIUBASE to verify that IMS Index Builder is installed correctly.

    To verify the installation, modify the JCL to apply to your installation before running the programs. Comments in the JCL describe the changes that you must make.

    There are two installation verification programs:

    Verifies full-function database installation
    Verifies HALDB database installation
  2. Review the job log. If the job ended with some errors, review the reports and the MVS™ system log.

    It is important to review the MVS system log for messages that are issued before the started task main module receives control to ensure that no first-time run failures have occurred.

    Subordinate address spaces are created by using a started task procedure, which is located in the PROCLIB concatenation. The WTO messages for subordinate address spaces are captured by IMS Index Builder and included in the WTO capture summary list on IIUSNAP. IMS Index Builder includes as much data as possible in the report. However, messages that are issued by the operating system before the started task main module receives control cannot be intercepted, and remain in the MVS system log. In most cases, these are first-time run failures that are caused by improper started task procedures. After successfully running once, procedures must remain stable. Therefore, review the MVS system log while IMS Index Builder is running for the first time.