Resolving fragmentation exceptions for HIDAM and PHIDAM databases

Resolve the fragmentation exceptions that you received for your HIDAM and PHIDAM databases.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the analysis steps for HIDAM and PHIDAM exceptions and that you have identified the possible causes of the database exceptions. If you have not yet analyzed the fragmentation exceptions, see Analyzing fragmentation exceptions for HIDAM and PHIDAM databases.

About this task

The instructions in this topic cannot be applied to resolve exceptions of primary indexes of PHIDAM databases. To resolve exceptions for primary indexes of PHIDAM databases, see Resolving fragmentation exceptions for PHIDAM primary indexes.


If the only exceptions that you received are fragmentation exceptions, reorganize the database. After you reorganize the database, rerun a policy evaluation to ensure that the exceptions are resolved.

After the reorganization, the EXCESSIVE_SEGMENT_SCATTERING exception might remain, or the values of the data elements that are related to this exception might continue to be high (for example, if this exception was reported as a critical level exception, the exception might be reported as a severe or warning level exception after the reorganization.) If you receive this exception again, follow the steps for resolving optimization exceptions.