Example 3: Control statements to repair a VSAM ESDS data set

The following figure shows example control statements to repair a VSAM ESDS data set.

Figure 1. Example of repairing a VSAM ESDS data set
//ZAP      JOB     (installation accounting information)   
//ESDSTEP  EXEC    PGM=FABZVZAP                            
//SYSLIB   DD      DSNAME=DBT.ESDS,DISP=OLD                
//SYSPRINT DD      SYSOUT=A                                
//SYSIN    DD      *                                       
    PSW ESDSPASS                                           
    RBA 140                                                
      VER 10 4780                                          
      REP 10 4700                                          
    RBA X'F2F0F0'                                          
      VER 8A 5810555C                                      
      REP 8A 5830555C                                      
    CNV 14350                                              
      VER 30 F1F2F5F6                                      
      REP 30 F9F9F9F9                                      
    CNV X'F1F3F8F8'                                        
      VER 26 4770                                          
      REP 26 47F0             
  • If you use a password statement (PSW control statement), the statement must be first in the series of control statements.
  • ESDS records can be addressed by both RBA and CNV control statements.
  • RBA and CNV can be expressed in either decimal or hexadecimal characters.