Hardware and software requirements

Verify that your hardware and software meet or exceed the minimum requirements.

Hardware requirements

IMS Database Repair Facility runs on any hardware configuration that supports the required versions of IMS.

Software requirements

IMS Database Repair Facility operates on z/OS® 2.3 (5650-zOS) or later.

IMS Database Repair Facility requires one of the currently supported versions of IMS.

If you want to compile and then run the product's REXX EXEC programs, the following products are required:

  • IBM® Compiler for REXX on zSeries
  • IBM Library for REXX on zSeries

To use IMS Database Repair Facility in interactive mode when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.6 or later must be installed.

Installation of IMS Database Repair Facility is supported by SMP/E.