Defining subsystems

When you define the subsystem names of the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS controllers and trackers, consider the following:

You must define the name of every new Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS subsystem in the active subsystem-name-table member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Install at least two Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS controlling systems, one for testing and one for your production environment.

It is recommended that you install the tracker and the controller in separate address spaces on the controlling system.

To define the subsystems, update the active IEFSSNnn member in SYS1.PARMLIB. Include records as in the following example:

Subsystem definition record
SUBSYS SUBNAME(subsystem name) INITRTN(module name) INITPARM ('maxecsa,suffix')

subsystem name
The name assigned to a Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS subsystem. The name must be from 2 to 4 characters. All the subsystem names, as defined in the SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNnn, must be unique within a GRS complex with the exception of a standby controller. Also, the subsystem names of the controllers must be unique within your OPCplex/OPC network, both local and remote systems. Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS requires the started task name or jobname used for a Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS address space to exactly match the name of the associated subsystem.
module name
The name of the subsystem initialization module, EQQINITJ.
Defines the maximum amount of extended common service area (ECSA) that is used to queue job-tracking events. The value is expressed in kilobytes (1 KB equals 1024 bytes). The default is 4, which means that a maximum of 4 KB (4096 bytes) of ECSA storage is needed to queue job-tracking events. The maximum value allowed for MAXECSA is 2816.
The module name suffix for the EQQSSCM module that EQQINITJ loads into common storage. EQQSSCM is the subsystem communication module. The suffix must be a single character. Because the name of the module shipped with Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS is EQQINITJ, specify a suffix value of J. If you do not provide a suffix, EQQINITJ attempts to load module name EQQSSCMJ. You can also specify a subsystem communication module name in the SSCMNAME keyword of the OPCOPTS initialization statement to load an updated version of the module before a scheduled IPL. For details, see Tivoli® Workload Scheduler for z/OS: Customization and Tuning.

Updating the z/OS link-library definition provides more information about EQQSSCM modules.

This example illustrates a record you can include in the SYS1.PARMLIB IEFSSNnn member:

/*Subsystem definition example*/

The record defines an Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS subsystem called OPCA. This represents a tracker. Its initialization module is EQQINITJ. The amount of ECSA that is allocated, 101104 bytes, is enough for 1136 job-tracking events. Because suffix value J is specified, EQQINITJ loads module EQQSSCMJ.

Calculating MAXECSA values

Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS allocates ECSA storage for job-tracking events in blocks of 1424 bytes. Each block is equivalent to 16 events. Table 22 gives examples of the storage needed for, the storage actually allocated, and the events accommodated for several maxecsa values. The number of events created for each job or started task in your environment is influenced by the definitions in the EWTROPTS initialization statement. Every job or started task creates a minimum of six events. If the job or started task generates output and PRINTEVENTS(ALL) or PRINTEVENTS(END) is specified, an event is created when each output group is purged. If STEPEVENTS(ALL) is specified, an event is created for every step in the job or started task.

If you want to calculate values that are not shown in Table 22 for a given MAXECSA value, use this method:

Table 22. Examples of MAXECSA storage values
MAXECSA value Amount of MAXECSA space requested Blocks of ECSA space allocated (bytes) Number of events accommodated
0 0 0 (0) 0
4 4096 2 (2848) 32
8 8192 5 (7120) 80
16 16384 11 (15664) 176
36 36864 25 (35600) 400
72 73728 51 (72624) 816
100 102400 71 (101104) 1136
200 204800 143 (203632) 2288
400 409600 287 (408688) 4592
500 512000 359 (511216) 5744
  1. Allocate enough ECSA storage so that job-tracking events are not lost when the Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS event-writer subtask is not active. When the event writer is active, the number of queued events in ECSA is almost always 0. Allocate enough ECSA for the maximum amount of time you expect the event writer to be inactive.

    For example, after the IPL of a z/OS system, job-tracking events can occur before the tracker address space has become active. If you expect a maximum of 50 events to occur during this time, you should set a MAXECSA value of 8, as shown in Table 22. When the event writer becomes active, the queued events are processed and removed from ECSA.

    If events are lost, message EQQZ035E is stored to the message log. For a description of this message, see Tivoli Workload Automation: Messages and Codes.

  2. ECSA storage for job-tracking events is required only if the started task includes an event-writer subtask. On a controlling system, you can have one address space running only an event writer subtask, and another one running the controller functions and the remaining tracker functions. In this situation, you must specify a MAXECSA value of 0 for the subsystem that contains the controller functions.
  3. All ECSA storage is allocated above the 16 MB line.