Macro invocation syntax for EQQEXIT


EQQEXIT produces Tivoli Workload Scheduler for z/OS event-tracking exit code by generating assembler code to perform in an SMF or JES exit.


EXIT=exit name
REG13=address of save area


EXIT=exit name
A required keyword defining the name of the exit in which the macro is used. The following names can be specified: IEFACTRT, IEFUJI, IEFU83, EXIT7, IATUX19, and IATUX29. Except for the EXIT7 exit, a warning message is issued if the name of the current CSECT differs from the name specified by the EXIT keyword.
REG13=address of save area
An optional keyword defining the address of the current-register save area when the SMF or JES exit was called. The default for this keyword depends on the name specified by the EXIT keyword. If the current exit is EXIT7, the default is PCELPSV. If the current exit is IATUX19 or IATUX29, the default is FCTSAVCH. In all other cases, the default is the second fullword in the current save area (if the current save area is properly chained, and the previous save area contains the registers at entry to the exit).

If the default does not apply, the REG13 keyword must be specified. Its value must be a fullword pointing to the save area that was used to store all the registers when the exit was entered.

An optional keyword specifying whether the macro should generate the required assembler mapping macros. The default is to generate these mapping macros. The following mapping macros are required by EQQEXIT code: CVT, IEFJESCT, IEFJSSOB, and IEFJSSIB. The IEFACTRT exit also requires the IEFJMR macro.

If you specify NO, the IEFU83 exit requires mapping of the SMF records IFASMFR 14 and IFASMFR 64. You must label them SMF14REC and SMF64REC, respectively. For example:

An optional keyword specifying whether the macro should generate code to place the current user ID in the JMRUSEID field when the IEFUJI exit is taken. Specify YES to generate this code. If you specify NO, which is the default, the JMRUSEID field is not updated. You are recommended to specify YES if you use the current user ID to filter data set close events. You need these mapping macros when you specify YES: IHAPSA, IHAASCB, IHAASXB, and IHAACEE.
An optional keyword defining whether a resource availability event should be generated when a data set is closed after being opened for read processing.

When YES is specified, an SR event is generated each time a data set is closed after being opened for either read or output processing.

When NO is specified or defaulted, the SR event is generated only when a data set has been opened for output processing. The event is not generated if the data set has been opened for read processing.

When you specify NONE, no data set triggering is performed.

See Implementing support for data set triggering for more information about the data set triggering function.

An optional keyword specifying whether JES3 SNA NJE is supported.

Return codes

The following return codes can be generated at assembly time:

Input invalid, check for warning messages.
Unsupported exit specified for the EXIT keyword.


The following messages can be generated at assembly time: