Installing Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server by using Installation Manager

If you used IBM® Installation Manger to install Rational® Team Concert Server, you can use it to optionally install Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server.

Before you begin

Use the same user ID that installed Rational Team Concert Server, or an user ID with the same authority, to install Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server. Before you install Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server, you must close Rational Team Concert.


  1. Ensure that the Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert CD or electronic disk image is available on the computer where you installed Rational Team Concert Server.
  2. On the computer where you installed Rational Team Concert Server, change to the InstallerImage_platform subdirectory on the Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server disk.
  3. Enter one of the following commands:
    • To install as an Admin: install
    • To install as a non-Admin: userinst
    IBM Installation Manager Starts.
  4. On the first page of the Install Packages wizard, ensure that you select IBM Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server, and if IBM Installation Manager, Version 1.2 is not already installed, then also select it. Click Check for Other Versions and Extensions to install the latest available version of the selected packages. If a newer version is available, it is automatically selected for installation. Click Next.
  5. On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for the selected packages. On the left-hand side of the License page, click each package version to display its license agreement.
    1. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  6. Select the package group where you installed Rational Team Concert Server.
  7. Click Install.
  8. When the installation process is complete, a message confirms the success of the process.
  9. Close Installation Manager.
  10. If Rational Team Concert Server is not using the default Tomcat that comes with the install image, you must update the <install_dir>/server/provision_profiles/teamdebugservice_profile.ini and <install_dir>/server/provision_profiles/teamdebugcommon_profile.ini files:

    Under the web address, instead of using a relative path, change it to an absolute path, for example, change url=file:../ext/rad-teamdebug-update-site to url=file:C:/Program Files/IBM/RTC/ext/rad-teamdebug-update-site.


Rational Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Server is installed.
