Developing mobile web applications

Using the Apache Cordova platform, the workbench provides you with tools necessary to create mobile applications.
The mobile web development tools in the workbench use Apache Cordova functionality to provide two different patterns for creating mobile web applications:
  • Web mobile: This model uses web technology (HTML, JavaScript and CSS, for example) to create applications that run on mobile devices.
  • Native mobile: This model creates an application that is installed in mobile device as a native artifact. They can use low-level mobile artifacts such as
    • Accelerometer
    • Camera
    • Capture
    • Compass
    • Connection
    • Contacts
    • Device
    • Dialogs
    • Events
    • File
    • Geolocation
    • Globalization
    • InAppBrowser
    • Media
    • Splashscreen
    • Vibration

The workbench includes Cordova CLI upgraded to 4.0.0. Cordova CLI 4.0.0 that offers a number of new features and bug fixes. For more details see: Apache Cordova CLI 4.0 Release. To verify the version levels of your Cordova locations select Window > Preferences > Cordova, and select the Cordova location in the table.

Cordova version

Important: The workbench provides tools to support Android and iOS platforms in a Cordova project. You can use the Command Prompt in Windows or Terminal in Linux/Mac to use any other of the platform or plugins that Cordova provides.
