Baseline specification

Use baseline specifications to refer to baseline objects. A baseline_spec refers to one or more baseline objects in an IBM®Rational® Synergy database.

A baseline_spec can have any of these forms:

  • Any of these global forms set to baseline objects:
  • baseline_name

    Represents the name of the baseline that was created in the current database. For example, Client build 46 refers to the baseline named Client build 46 that was created in the current database.

  • datasase_id dcm_delimiter baseline_name

    Where database_id is a DCM database identifier where the baseline was created, dcm_delimiter is the current DCM delimiter (# is the default), and baseline_name is the name of the baseline. For example, with a default DCM delimiter of # the baseline specification A#api build 67 refers to the baseline named api build 67 that was created in database A.
