Deleting a project grouping and members

You can delete a project grouping, either with or without its member projects. To delete a project grouping, you must be able to modify it, and the project grouping must not have member projects.

About this task

ccm pg|project_grouping -d|-delete ([-m|-members] | [-nm|-no_members]) 
Deletes the specified project grouping. You can set one or moreproject_grouping_spec arguments to multiple objects. It does not update the query selection set.
Specifies to delete the associated projects and project grouping for the project grouping. All associated folders that are not used in any project or project grouping are also deleted. The default is -nm|-no_members.
Specifies to delete the associated projects for the project grouping. The operation succeeds if the specified project grouping has no associated projects. The default is -nm|-no_members if options are not specified.
Specifies the project groupings to delete. See Project grouping specification for details.
