Data Types That Can Be Used for Literal Values

Literal values can be specified for each of the base data types as follows:
An array or list of values may be specified by enclosing variables or literal values, or both, within braces {} or parentheses () and separating each element of the list with a comma. For example: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } or ( "abc", "def", "ghi" ).

Entries of an array can be accessed by specifying a subscript as in the C programming language. The index corresponding to the first element of the array is always zero; for example, List [2] references the third element of the array named List. Only one subscript is allowed. It may be a variable, a constant, or an expression that produces an integer result. For example, if List is an integer array, then List[2]+4 produces the sum of 4 and the current value of the third entry of the array.

Binary Data
A binary constant is defined by a sequence of hexadecimal values, separated by white space. All hexadecimal values comprising the binary data constant are enclosed in double quotation marks. Each hexadecimal value includes an even number of hexadecimal digits, and each pair of hexadecimal digits represents a byte within the binary value. For example:
"0xabcd 0x01020304050607090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314"
Character Strings
A string is specified by a sequence of characters surrounded by single or double quotation marks (you can have any number of characters, including none). Any character may be used within the string except the null '\0' character. Double quotation marks and backslashes may be included in strings by preceding them with the backslash character.
Floating Types
These types can be specified by the following syntax:
  • A leading plus (+) or minus (-) sign
  • One or more decimal digits
  • A radix character, which at this time is the period (.) character
  • An optional exponent specified by the following:
    • A plus (+) or minus (-) sign
    • The letter 'E' or 'e'
    • A sequence of decimal digits (0-9)
Integer Types
These types can be specified in decimal, octal, or hexadecimal format. Any value that begins with the digits 1-9 and is followed by zero or more decimal digits (0-9) is interpreted as a decimal value. A decimal value is negated by preceding it with the character '-'. Octal constants are specified by the digit 0 followed by 1 or more digits in the range 0-7. Hexadecimal constants are specified by a leading 0 followed by the letter x (uppercase or lowercase) and then followed by a sequence of one or more digits in the range 0-9 or characters in the range a-f (uppercase or lowercase).
Resource Handle
A fixed-size entity that consists of two 16-bit and four 32-bit words of data. A literal resource handle is specified by a group of six hexadecimal integers. The first two values represent 16-bit integers and the remaining four each represent a 32-bit word. Each of the six integers is separated by white space. The group is surrounded by double quotation marks. The following is an example of a resource handle:
"0x4018 0x0001 0x00000000 0x0069684c 0x00519686 0xaf7060fc"
Structured Data
Structured data values can be referenced only through variables. Nevertheless, the RMC command line interface displays structured data (SD) values and accepts them as input when a resource is defined or changed. A literal SD is a sequence of literal values, as defined in Data Types That Can Be Used for Literal Values, that are separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets. For example, ['abc',1,{3,4,5}] specifies an SD that consists of three elements: (a) the string 'abc', (b) the integer value 1, and (c) the three-element array {3,4,5}.

Variable names refer to values that are not part of the expression but are accessed while running the expression. For example, when RMC processes an expression, the variable names are replaced by the corresponding persistent or dynamic attributes of each resource.

The elements of a structured data value can be accessed by using the following syntax:
<variable name>.<element name>
For example, a.b

The variable name is the name of the table column or resource attribute, and the element name is the name of the element within the structured data value. Either or both names may be followed by a subscript if the name is an array. For example, a[10].b refers to the element named b of the 11th entry of the structured data array called a. Similarly, a[10].b[3] refers to the fourth element of the array that is an element called b within the same structured data array entry a[10].