z/OS configuration variables

The variables that you use for configuring an Operational Decision Manager for z/OS® instance are held in the HBRINST or HBRCTRL data set member. To be valid, the values you specify must not contain spaces.


Variables for configuring the environment have the following notation: ++VARIABLE_NAME++. The equivalent runtime variables do not have any special notation.

The variables in the ++HBRHLQ++.SHBRPARM(HBRINST) data set member must be customized. The ++HBRHLQ++ variable represents the high-level qualifier that is assigned to the working data sets. The HBRUUPTI job must then be submitted to generate the working data sets. The data sets created by the HBRUUPTI job are then used to configure the runtime instance.

Important: For some variables, after you run HBRUUPTI, you must check the working data set to ensure that the JCL is valid. If the JCL is not valid because, for example, an entry was truncated, you must manually edit the JCL. For more information, see the variables descriptions.

Set the configuration variables to configure a new Operational Decision Manager for z/OS instance. The configuration variables include postinstallation configuration variables, and variables that initialize the runtime variables in the other members of this data set, and in other data sets. These variables are also used for generating the working data sets for configuring and running an execution environment. The version of HBRINST or HBRCTRL must match the version of the zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance you configure. The HBRINST or HBRCTRL data set member belongs to SHBRPARM.

Configuration variables

Table 1. Configuration variables for configuring a new Decision Server for z/OS instance.
Variable Description


The high-level qualifier for Operational Decision Manager for z/OS data sets.

Example: HBR.ODM

This variable is mandatory.


The installation root directory.

Example: /usr/lpp/zDM/V8R8M0

This variable is mandatory.


The working directory that is used for the execution environment, unless it is overridden in the control statements in HBRCTRL.

Example: /u/HBR1

If this variable is 35 characters or less in length, the value can be used by all working data sets. If the value exceeds 35 characters, the customized members in SHBRJCL must be manually updated where this value is inserted into the JCL, otherwise the job might not contain valid JCL.


The high-level qualifier for the working data sets that contain customized JCL for creating an execution environment instance.


The value of this variable must be different from the value of the ++HBRHLQ++ variable.


The location of the JVM. (Java™ 7 is recommended, Java 6.0.1 is also supported).

Example: /java/java7_64/J7.0_64


The port number on which the SSP service can be found. The value must be an integer.

The value of this variable must be different from the value of the ++HBRCONSOLEPORT++ variable and the value of the ++HBRCONSOLECOMPORT++ variable.


The port that you specify to access the console from your web browser. The value must be an integer.

The value of this variable must be different from the value of the ++HBRCONSOLECOMPORT++ variable and the value of the ++HBRSSPPORT++ variable.

Example: 34114


The port that is used by the console to communicate with the server. The value must be an integer.

The value of this variable must be different from the value of the ++HBRCONSOLEPORT++ variable and the value of the ++HBRSSPPORT++ variable.

Example: 44114


The host name of the machine where the console runs. Specify localhost when the console and the server that is run on the same machine.

Example: localhost


The language that is used by the server. The default value is En-US. The server uses the following valid language values:
  • De_DE: German
  • En_US: US English
  • Es_ES: Spanish
  • Fr_FR: French
  • It_IT: Italian
  • Ja_JP: Japanese
  • Ko_KR: Korean
  • Nl_NL: Dutch
  • Pl_PL: Polish
  • Pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese
  • Ru_RU: Russian
  • Zh_CN: Simplified Chinese
  • Zh_TW: Traditional Chinese

The supported languages are also listed in the HBRCMMN data set member.

The value is case-sensitive and must be specified in mixed-case exactly as shown.


The trace level during execution. Choose from the following options:

  • ALL: Logs all messages, including internal traces.
  • FINE: Logs debug messages, informational messages, errors, and warnings.
  • INFO: Logs informational messages, errors, and warnings.
  • WARNING: Logs errors and warnings.
  • SEVERE: Logs errors only.
  • OFF: No tracing.

The value is case-sensitive and must be specified in uppercase exactly as shown.


The type of persistence layer that is used to store deployed artifacts. Set this variable to DB2 or FILE. The value is case-sensitive and must be specified in uppercase exactly as shown.

Table 2. Configuration variables for configuring CICS to execute rules on a zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance.
Variable Description


The CICS startup group list that is specified by using the GRPLIST parameter.

Example: DFHLIST

The list of groups contains the resource definitions that are created when you run the ++HBRWORKDS++.<HBRSSID_NAME>.SHBRJCL(HBRCSD) job in Configuring CICS to execute rules on zRule Execution Server for z/OS. When CICS starts, it looks at the lists of groups in the table and installs the resources that they specify.

Table 3. Configuration variables for configuring zRule Execution Server for z/OS running on a CICS JVM server.
Variable Description


The high-level qualifier for CICS.

Example: CTS420.CICS


The high-level qualifier for the CICS system.



Plan that is used for JDBC connections and CICS.

Example: DSNJCC

Table 4. Configuration variables for configuring IMS to run rules on a zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance.
Variable Description
++IMSHLQ++ The high-level qualifier for the data sets of the main IMS installation.

Example: IMS.V10.DBDC

++IMSREGID++ The ID of the IMS instance to be used.

Example: IM0A

++IMSREGHLQ++ The high-level qualifier of the IMS region data sets.


Table 5. Configuration variables for configuring a DB2 database for Operational Decision Manager for z/OS.
Variable Description
++DB2HLQ++ The high-level qualifier for the DB2 data sets.

Example: SYS2.DB2.V10

++DB2GROUP++ The RACFRACF® group that is granted access across the ODM tables. Connect ++DB2USER++ to this group.
++DB2RUNLIB++ The DB2 runtime library.


++DB2SUBSYSTEM++ The DB2 subsystem name.

Example: DIGP

++DB2LOCATION++ The DB2 location name that is used to connect to this DB2 subsystem.

Example: DSNV10GP

++DB2VCAT++ The DB2 integrated catalog facility catalog.

Example: DSNV10GP

++DB2ADMIN++ The user ID authorized to create DB2 databases.


++DB2SCHEMA++ The schema that is used to create and access the DB2 artifacts.
++RESDATABASE++ The name of the database that is used by the zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance.

Example: RESDB1

++RTSDATABASE++ The name of the database that is used by the Decision Center instance.

Example: RTSDB2

++EVDATABASE++ The name of the database that is used by the Decision Server Events instance.

Example: EVDB1

++RESSTOGROUP++ The name of the storage group that is used by the zRule Execution Server for z/OS instance.

Example: RESSTG1

++EVSTOGROUP++ The name of the storage group that is used by the Decision Server Events instance.

Example: EVSTG1


The name of the storage group that is used by the Decision Center instance.

Example: RTSSTG1

++DB2TABLEBP++ The buffer pool name for the tables.

Example: BP1

++DB2INDEXBP++ The buffer pool name for the indexes.

Example: BP2

++DB2LOBBP++ The buffer pool name for large objects.

Example: BP3

++DB2SAMPLEPROGRAM++ The DB2 program name.

Example: DSNTEP2


Example: DSNTEP91

++DB2BP4K++ The buffer pool name for 4 K objects.

Example: BP4K

++DB2BP8K++ The buffer pool name for 8 K objects.

Example: BP8K

++DB2BP32K++ The buffer pool name for 32 K objects.

Example: BP32K

++DB2USER++ The user ID for accessing the DB2 database.
++DB2PSWD++ The password for accessing the DB2 database.
++DB2JARLOCN++ The location of the DB2 classes.

Example: /usr/lpp/db2v10/jdbc/classes

Table 6. Configuration variables for configuring WebSphere Application Server for Operational Decision Manager for z/OS.
Variable Description
++WASINSTPATH++ The WebSphere Application Server home directory. Unique for each server instance.

Example: /WebSphere/V80IL2Z1/Appserver

++WASBOOTSTRAPPORT++ Enter the bootstrap port number of the event runtime WebSphere Application Server.
++SECURITYTYPE++ Set to RACF if yourWebSphere Application Server system has already been configured to use RACF.

Set to WAS if yourWebSphere Application Server system has already been configured to use federated security.

Example: RACF

++DMGRPATH++ The Operational Decision Manager for z/OS path in a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment.

Example: /WebSphere/V8ILGDM

The maximum field length for this variable is 59 characters.

Important: After you run HBRUUPTI, check the following data set members to ensure that the value is not truncated:
Note: This value might be blank if a deployment manager is not being used.
++RESWASINSTANCE++ The location where the res.properties file is stored.

Example: /u/HBR1/was_server1

++RTSWASINSTANCE++ The location where the rts.properties file is stored.

Example: /u/HBR1/was_server1

++DVSWASINSTANCE++ The location where the dvs.properties file is stored.

Example: /u/HBR1/was_server1

++WASSERVERNAME++ The WebSphere Application Server instance name.

Example: Serveril2Base

++PROFILE++ The WebSphere Application Server profile. Set to default on z/OS.

Example: default

++CELLNAME++ The WebSphere Application Server cell name.

Example: cell01

++NODENAME++ The WebSphere Application Server server node name.

Example: node1


The name of the host on which WebSphere Application Server is running.
++ADMINUSER++ The WebSphere Application Server server administration user ID.
++ADMINPSWD++ The WebSphere Application Server server administration password.
++EJBHLQ++ The SAF prefix for EJBROLEs. This field might be blank.

Example: CLID

Table 7. Configuration variables for enabling wsadmin scripts for Operational Decision Manager for z/OS.
Variable Description
++RESADMIN++ The administrator user group for Rule Execution Server.

Example: resAdministrators

++RESDEPLOY++ The deployer user group for Rule Execution Server.

Example: resDeployers

++RESMONITOR++ The monitor user group for Rule Execution Server.

Example: resMonitors

++RESADMINUSER++ An admin user for Rule Execution Server.

Default value: resAdmin

++RESDEPLOYUSER++ A deployer user for Rule Execution Server.

Default value: resDeployer

++RESMONITORUSER++ A monitor user for Rule Execution Server.

Default value: resMonitor

++RTSADMIN++ The administrator user group for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsAdministrator

++RTSCONFIG++ The configuration user group for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsConfigManager

++RTSUSER++ The user group for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsUser

++RTSINSTALLER++ The installer user group for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsInstaller

++RTSADMINUSER++ An admin user for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsAdmin

++RTSCONFIGUSER++ A configuration user for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsConfig

++RTSUSERUSER++ A user for Decision Center.

Default value: rtsUser1

++DB2NATIVELOC++ The location of the DB2 native library files.

Example: /usr/lpp/db2v10/jdbc/lib

++DB2SERVNAME++ The DB2 host name or IP address.

Example: //winmvsm.ibm.com

++DB2PORT++ The DB2 connection port.

Example: 40100

Table 8. Configuration variables for configuring a connection to a Rule Execution Server on WebSphere Application Server through WOLA.
Variable Description
++HBRWOLALOADLIB++ The location of the WOLA libraries to load.


++HBRWOLACELL++ The name of the WebSphere Application Server cell to connect to using WOLA.

Example: CILK

++HBRWOLANODE++ The name of the WebSphere Application Server node to connect to using WOLA.

Example: NILK

++HBRWOLASERVER++ The short name of the WebSphere Application Server instance to connect to using WOLA.

Example: WSVRILK

Table 9. Configuration variables for configuring Liberty profile
Variable Description
++WLPSAFPREF++ The name of the SAF profile prefix that is used for SAF profile names.

Default value: BBGZDFLT

++WLPUSERDIR++ The Liberty profile user directory that contains the servers directory.
++WLPSERVER++ The name of your Liberty server.
++WLPPORT++ The HTTP port for your Liberty server.
++WLPSECUREPORT++ The HTTP secure port for your Liberty server.
++WLPINSTDIR++ The installation directory for your Liberty profile run time.

Example: /was/V8553L

++WLPTYPE++ The type of Liberty profile to install Operational Decision Manager into.

Specify STD for standard Liberty profile and CICS for CICS Liberty profile.

Table 10. Configuration variables for configuring SMF
Variable Description
++HBRSMFST100++ Set this variable to YES to enable output of SMF execution data under zRule Execution Server for z/OS or CICS.

Default value: NO

++PSMFDS++ Set this variable to contain the name of the SMF primary data set for your system.

The value can be obtained by issuing /D SMF in SDSF.

++SSMFDS++ Set this variable to contain the name of the SMF secondary data set for your system.

The value can be obtained by issuing /D SMF in SDSF.

++CSVPATH++ If you are using the HBRSMFC sample program, set this variable to contain the name of the HFS directory where the CSV file must be written.