Inbound endpoint syntax

Inbound endpoint purpose, syntax, description and example.


You define an inbound endpoint that represents the origin of inbound HTTP or Java™ Message Service (JMS) messages. When you define the endpoint, you must ensure it references an inbound binding.


An inbound HTTP endpoint:

define inbound HTTP endpoint '<endpoint name>' 
		description "<description>",
		binding '<binding name>', 
		url path "<url path>" . |,
	advanced properties:
		- '<name>': "<value>" 
		- '<name>': "<value>".

An inbound JMS endpoint:

define inbound JMS endpoint '<endpoint name>' 
		description "<description> ,
		binding '<binding name>'. |,
	advanced properties:
		- '<name>': "<value>" 
		- '<name>': "<value>".

Syntax diagrams

Use the following syntax diagrams to better understand the relationships between the different options and the different values of an option.

Inbound HTTP endpoint syntax diagramInbound JMS endpoint syntax diagramAdvanced properties syntax diagram


Table 1. Mandatory parameters for an inbound HTTP endpoint
Parameter Description
endpoint name The name of the endpoint.
binding name The name of the binding for which this endpoint receives events.
url path The URL path on which this endpoint receives events. The value must be the URL path on which this inbound endpoint receives inbound messages, and must contain at least two levels. For example /solution1/endpoint1.
Table 2. Optional parameters for an inbound HTTP endpoint
Parameter Description
description The description of the endpoint.
Table 3. Mandatory parameters for an inbound JMS endpoint
Parameter Description
endpoint name The name of the endpoint.
binding name The name of the binding for which this endpoint receives events.
Table 4. Optional parameters for an inbound JMS endpoint
Parameter Description
description The description of the endpoint.


An inbound HTTP endpoint:
define inbound HTTP endpoint 'inboundQuotesEndpoint'
		description "Endpoint for inbound quotes",
		binding 'vehicleQuotes',
	url path "/inbound/quotes".