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Task 10: Deploying a scorecard from Decision Center

You learn how to deploy the scorecard to Rule Execution Server using Decision Center.

About this task

In this task, you deploy your scorecard to Rule Execution Server. Rule Execution Server is an execution environment for managing and monitoring rulesets and rule engines. It handles the management, performance, security, and logging capabilities associated with the execution of your rules.

You can deploy to Rule Execution Server using Decision Center.


To deploy a scorecard using Decision Center:

  1. Click Configure > Manage RuleApps > New to create a ScorecardRuleApp based on the scorecardpublish_tutorial rule project.
  2. Select ScorecardRuleApp, and then click Deploy.


The scorecard is deployed to Rule Execution Server.

You have completed the publishing of a rule project that contains a scorecard tutorial, and learned how to publish and deploy scorecards.

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