Rule Designer Messages - Messages pertaining to the rule engine

A message ID consists of 10 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify the message. The message ID is composed of:

The severity of the message is indicated by the last character in the message ID.

GBREB0001EThe ''{0}'' exception has been thrown:
GBREB0002ILocation stack trace:
GBREB0003ICaused by: {0}
GBREB0004Iat line {0}, column {1}
GBREB0005Iin file ''{0}'', at line {1}, column {2}
GBREB0006Iat offset {0}, with length {1}
GBREB0007EVersion read {0} is not supported
GBREB0008ENot a valid decision engine jar file or stream
GBRED0001IIn ''{0}'' rule condition, between line {1}, column {2} and line {3}, column {4}
GBRED0002IIn ''{0}'' rule condition
GBRED0003IIn ''{0}'' rule, in ''{1}'' action, between line {2}, column {3} and line {4}, column {5}
GBRED0004IIn ''{0}'' rule, in ''{1}'' action
GBRED0005IIn action ''{1}'' of the ''{0}'' rule, between line {2}, column {3} and line {4}, column {5}
GBRED0006IIn action of the ''{0}'' rule
GBRED0007EA ruleset named ''{0}'' already exists
GBRED0007IIn ''{0}'' rule condition, at offset {1}, and length {2}
GBRED0008EThe namespace ''{0}'' does not contain any rule
GBRED0008IIn ''{0}'' rule, at offset {1}, and length {2}
GBRED0009EUnable to find the rule named ''{0}''
GBRED0010EThe rule named ''{0}'' requires an environment of type ''{1}''
GBRED0011EThe rule named ''{0}'' requires an environment of type ''{1}'' which is incompatible with an environment of type ''{2}''
GBRED0012EThe ruleset is expected to implement the method ''{0}'' since the rule named ''{1}'' implements it
GBRED0013EThe rule named ''{0}'' implements the method ''{1}'' which is incompatible with the method ''{2}''
GBRED0014EA rule named ''{0}'' already exists
GBRED0015EThe return type ''{0}'' is not compliant with the expected return type ''{1}''
GBRED0016EA product condition is expected
GBRED0017EA case with the same value already exists
GBRED0018EA variable named ''{0}'' already exists
GBRED0019EThe type ''{0}'' is not a valid condition type
GBRED0020EAll the branches of this rule content should return an instance of ''{0}''
GBRED0021EThe type ''{0}'' is not a valid engine data type
GBRED0022EAn object of the type ''{0}'' cannot be used as an argument to ''stop''
GBRED0023EA value of type ''{0}'' cannot be used as an ''in'' generator
GBRED0024EUnexpected element ''{1}'' in the ''{0}'' stipulation
GBRED0025EA ruleset property stipulation must be located in the body of the ruleset
GBRED0026EThe parameter ''{0}'' of the instruction ''{1}'' of the stipulation ''{2}'' is not correct
GBRED0027ENo matching condition template of namespace ''{0}'' and of name ''{1}'' declared in the ruleset
GBRED0028EDuplicate declaration of the ''{0}'' condition template
GBRED0029ERecursive declaration in the ''{0}'' condition template
GBRED0030ENo matching rule template of namespace ''{0}'' and of name ''{1}'' declared in the ruleset
GBRED0031EDuplicate declaration of the ''{0}'' rule template
GBREF1001ECannot find a main task named ''{0}''
GBREF1002EA task named ''{0}'' already exists
GBREF2001Etask not found
GBREF2002EThe rule {1} in task {0} has a dynamic priority, which is not allowed for SORTED tasks
GBREF3001WA ruleset containing homogeneous rules is recommended for sequential task ''{0}''
GBREF3002WA ruleset with at least one rule is recommended for rule task ''{0}''
GBREF3003WA ruleset with no object modification in the action part is recommended for Fastpath and Sequential algorithms in rule task ''{0}''
GBREF4001EEngine not running
GBREF4002ENo main task set
GBREF4003EStopped by installed controller
GBREF4004ECannot use dynamic ordering with FIRINGKIND set to FIRST_ELIGIBLE_RULE
GBREF4005Edoes not work on this kind of engine
GBREF4006EThe specified task "{0}" has not been defined
GBREM0008ECannot migrate postfix operation used as a value
GBREM0009ECannot migrate context value
GBREM0010ECannot migrate invocation of method {0}, no corresponding method found in type {1}
GBREM0011ECannot migrate invocation of instance method {0} as the instance could not be migrated
GBREM0012ECannot migrate access to the value of attribute {0}
GBREM0013ECannot migrate invocation of function {0}
GBREM0014ECannot migrate binding of null
GBREM0015ECannot migrate operator unknown
GBREM0016ECannot migrate usage of binary operator {0}
GBREM0017ECannot migrate usage of unary operator {0}
GBREM0018ECannot migrate assignment
GBREM0019ECannot migrate parameter/package variable {0}. The variable is of type {1} whereas the default value is of type {2}
GBREM0020ECannot migrate call to IlrContext.invokeFunction, function {0} cannot be found
GBREM0021ECannot migrate call to IlrContext.invokeFunction, function {0} has not been migrated
GBREM0022ECannot migrate call to IlrContext.invokeFunction with a non inline creation of an arguments array
GBREM0023ECannot migrate call to IlrContext.invokeFunction without an array as a parameter
GBREM0024ECannot migrate call IlrContext.invokeFunction when the function name is not constant
GBREM0025ECannot migrate call IlrContext.invokeFunction({0},...). Internal error the engine value is missing.
GBREM0026ECannot migrate access to package name.
GBREM0027ECannot migrate deprecated {0} statement
GBREM0028ERule instance access cannot be migrated in this scope
GBREM0029EEvents and time are not supported. Cannot migrate {0}
GBREM0030E"collect *from* <source>" expression is not supported
GBREM0031E"collect in <source> *where*" expression is not supported
GBREM0032EAn update refresh action has been detected. It is forbidden because the update refresh is not migrated.
GBREM0033ECould not migrate rule property {0}
GBREM0034ECould not migrate access to rule property {0}
GBREM0035ECannot migrate the hasher {0}
GBREM0036EEvents and time are not supported. Cannot migrate temporal conditions beginning with ''event''
GBREM0037EOnly IlrDefaultCollector is supported when migrating a collect condition
GBREM0038ECannot translate IlrContext.getCurrentTask outside of task actions
GBREM0039ECannot translate IlrContext.currentTask outside of task actions
GBREM0040ECannot translate dynamic select using rule array selections for task {0}.
GBREM0041ECannot migrate access to package name in dynamic select.
GBREM0042ECannot migrate access to rule name in dynamic select.
GBREM0043EInternal error cannot migrate condition variable of type {0}
GBREM0044EInternal error cannot migrate negation of {0}
GBREM0045ECannot migrate instanceof {0}
GBREM0046ECannot migrate match updown
GBREM0047Estop task does not exist.
GBREM0048EInternal migration error when trying to migrate {0}
GBREM0048WProperty ''{0}'' is not used by the decision engine
GBREM0049W''ilrmain'' function is not migrated
GBREM0050EInternal error migration when trying migrate B2X. Got execution factory parser errors {0}
GBREM0051ECannot migrate variable ''{0}''
GBREP1001EMust be a List, an Array, a Collection, or an Enumeration
GBREP1002E''exists'' not supported in sequential mode without a generator
GBREP1003E''not'' not supported in sequential mode without a generator
GBREP1004E''aggregate'' not supported in sequential mode without a generator
GBREP1005E''or'' not supported in sequential mode
GBREP2005Edoes not work on this kind of engine
GBRET0001EFailed to transform method ''{0}''
GBRET0002EFailed to transform type ''{0}''
GBRET0003ECannot find an operator ''{0}'' to apply to ''{1}'',''{2}''
GBRET0004EFailed to transform value of attribute ''{0}''
GBRET0005EFailed to transform assignment of attribute ''{0}''
GBRET0006EFailed to transform value of indexer ''{0}''
GBRET0007EFailed to transform assignment of indexer ''{0}''
GBRET0008EFailed to transform invocation of method ''{0}''
GBRET0009EFailed to transform usage of constructor ''{0}''
GBRET0010EFailed to retrieve access to type ''{0}'' in a body of type ''{1}''
GBRET0011ECannot convert ''{0}'' to type ''{1}''
GBRET0030IWhile transforming the implementation of method ''{0}''
GBRET0031IWhile transforming the implementations of the members of class ''{0}''
GBRET0032IWhile transforming the statement ''{0}''
GBRET0033IWhile transforming the implementation of constructor ''{0}''
GBRET0034IWhile transforming the implementation of the getter of attribute ''{0}''
GBRET0035IWhile transforming the implementation of the setter of attribute ''{0}''
GBRET0036IWhile transforming the value ''{0}''
GBRET0037IWhile transforming the initial value of attribute ''{0}''
GBRET0050EDuplicated service installers for the service class ''{0}''
GBRET0051EThe engine service ''{0}'' cannot be instantiated because it depends on another service that is missing
GBRET0052EFound a dependency loop related to the installer of the service class ''{0}''
GBREX0001ECannot find execution class ''{0}'' for translating business class ''{1}''
GBREX0002ECannot find execution generic class ''{0}'' for translating business generic class ''{1}''
GBREX0003ECannot map business class ''{0}'' to an execution class
GBREX0004ECannot find extender ''{0}'' for business class ''{1}''
GBREX0005EExtender method ''{0}'' must be static
GBREX0006ECannot find class ''{0}'' in business object model
GBREX0007ECannot find generic class ''{0}'' in business object model
GBREX0008EMismatch of static modifier between ''{0}'' and ''{1}''
GBREX0009EMismatch of member type, type ''{0}'' is returned by member ''{1}'', whereas the type ''{2}'' or a subclass is expected.
GBREX0010WMismatch of member type, type ''{0}'' is returned by member ''{1}'', whereas type ''{2}'' or a subclass is expected. It might come from the use of covariance.
GBREX0011ECannot find method ''{0}'' in execution class ''{1}''
GBREX0012IIn the B2X getter for attribute ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''
GBREX0013IIn the B2X setter for attribute ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''
GBREX0014IIn the B2X body for method ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''
GBREX0015IIn the B2X body for constructor ''{0}'' of class ''{1}''
GBREX0016IIn the B2X tester of class ''{1}''
GBREX0017EBusiness class "{0}" is marked as not translated
GBREX0018EBusiness attribute "{0}" is marked as not translated
GBREX0019EBusiness method "{0}" is marked as not translated
GBREX0020EBusiness constructor "{0}" is marked as not translated
GBREX0021ECannot find attribute ''{0}'' in execution class ''{1}''
GBREX0022ECannot find getter for attribute ''{0}''
GBREX0023ECannot find setter for attribute ''{0}''
GBREX0024ESyntax error in pattern ''{0}'' : ''{1}''
GBREX0025EB2X cannot work without an engine data class concrete implementation
GBREX0026WThe attributes ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' in business enum class ''{2}'' are both mapped to the same value
GBREX1000ENo importer registered for node ''{0}''
GBREX1001EException ''{0}'' occurred: ''{1}'' when importing the node ''{2}''
GBREX1002EUnexpected empty node ''{0}''
GBREX1003EParse exception ''{0}'' occurred when reading ''{1}''
GBREX1004EMissing node ''{0}'' in the node ''{1}''
GBREX1005ECannot load class ''{0}'' when reading the node ''{1}''
GBREX1006EClass ''{0}'' must have a default constructor or a constructor marked with ''dataio.default''
GBREX1007WUnknown attribute ''{0}'' when reading node ''{1}''
GBREX1008ECannot set the value of read-only attribute ''{0}''
GBREX1009EMissing reference in enum value node ''{0}''
GBREX1010ECannot find static attribute named ''{0}'' when reading ''{1}'' node
GBREX1011ECannot find component type ''{0}''
GBREX1012EParameter ''{0}'' is missing for constructing an instance of class ''{1}''
GBREX1013EComponent type is missing in array node
GBREX1022EObject ''{0}'' of class ''{1}'' must be of expected type ''{2}''
GBREX1023EMethod not accessible while writing or reading objects
GBREX1024WCannot instantiate collection class ''{0}'', the default ''java.util.ArrayList'' will be used
GBREX1025WCannot instantiate map class ''{0}'', the default ''java.util.HashMap'' will be used
GBREX1050ENo exporter registered for the class ''{0}''
GBREX1051ECannot export attribute ''{0}'' with value of class ''{1}''
GBREX1052EException {0}:{1} occurred when exporting value of attribute ''{2}''
GBREX1053ECannot find static attribute corresponding to value ''{0}'' when exporting node ''{1}''
GBREX1080WCannot use constructor ''{0}'' for creating instance of class ''{1}''. No usable importer will be created for this class.
GBREX1081WCannot use constructor ''{0}'' for creating instance of class ''{1}''. No usable converter will be created for this class.
GBREX1082WIn the constructor tagged ''dataio.default'' of class ''{0}'', the parameter ''{1}'' of type ''{2}'' is not compatible with attribute ''{1}'' of type ''{3}''
GBREX1083WIn the constructor tagged ''dataio.default'' of class ''{0}'', there is no attribute named as the parameter ''{1}''
GBREX1101EUnexpected end of document
GBREX1102IAt line {0} column {1}
GBREX1106EInvalid escape sequence, got ''{0}''
GBREX1107EInvalid beginning of JSON value, got unexpected character ''{0}''

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