Setting the server in debug mode

To use certain samples and tutorials, you must start the sample server in debug mode.

About this task

Clicking the debug icon starts the server, sets the debug property on WebSphere® Application Server, stops the server, and restarts the server to take the modifications into account.


  1. In the samples console, click the debug icon Start the Sample Server in debug mode icon. In debug mode, a debugging tool connects to the sample server and steps into the Java™ code and the rules.
  2. Clicking the icon starts the server, sets the debug property on WebSphere Application Server, stops the server, and restarts the server to take the modifications into account. It can take a while for the server startup procedure to complete. The Console view displays feedback messages as the server starts. After setting the debug mode, the debug property remains activated on WebSphere Application Server. Therefore, you can now start the server using the run icon Start the Sample Server icon, or the start menu shortcut, and the server is already in debug mode.