Setting up the Ant tasks environment

To run Decision Center Ant tasks, you must first set up the appropriate environment variables.

Before you begin

When preparing to run Ant tasks, make sure that the following conditions are met.

About this task

Communication between the Ant tasks and Decision Center supports the HTTP or HTTPS communication protocols. For more information, see Ant task communication protocol.


To set up your environment to use Ant:

  1. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to <ODM_InstallDir>/shared/tools/ant.
  2. Add the directory <ODM_InstallDir>/shared/tools/ant/bin to your PATH environment variable.


The Decision Center Ant tasks are defined in <InstallDir>/teamserver/bin/build.xml and executed by commands of the form:
ant <taskName> <parameters list>
Note: To run these Ant tasks, you must use the same Java™ virtual machine version and vendor as the one used by the application server.
Ant task parameters start with -D. Use them to set values such as the following ones:
  • -Dserver.url=<server url>: Specifies the URL of the target application server.
  • -DdatasourceName=<data source name>: Specifies the JNDI name of the data source to use for the task. The default value is jdbc/ilogDataSource.


ant execute-schema -Dserver.url=<protocol://host:port>/teamserver/ -DdatasourceName=jdbc/ilogDataSource -Dfile=my_sql_file.sql

The <protocol://host:port> URL is defined in the file <ODM_InstallDir>/teamserver/bin/ If your browser is not running on the same host as the application server, replace localhost with the address of the computer. If your web application is mapped to a host on a port that is different from the port number shown, change the port number to your host port number.

The file <ODM_InstallDir>/teamserver/bin/ defines the value of some common parameters and others that depend on the application server. If these parameters are properly defined in this file, you do not have to include them in your Ant task command. The content of the file is as follows:

# Default properties
# ------------------------------------




languagePackPath = .
languagePackOutputPath = ./generated

persistenceLocale =
selector =
branch =
override = false