Sample: Custom scenario providers and parallel execution

This sample describes how to run simulations using custom scenario providers and key performance indicators (KPI) against different formatted scenarios, and shows how to create a scenario provider to execute a large number of scenarios in parallel.

Time required

20 minutes


You must have Rule Designer installed to use this sample.

Check that the sample server is started before you use this sample. For more information about starting the sample server, see Starting and stopping the sample server.


The sample defines custom scenario providers to read data from sources other than Excel, which is the default format for storing scenarios.

It also shows how to execute scenarios in sequence and how to execute them in parallel.

You run tests and simulations on rule projects by defining usage scenarios and KPIs. You then use KPIs to evaluate the performance of a simulation.

This sample shows you how to:

In this sample, you define custom scenario providers that handle the different data:
Generates random data for a given number of scenarios.
Reads data from a Derby database.
Reads data from a Derby database and executes simulation parts in parallel

To demonstrate the new custom scenario providers, you create simulations in Decision Center.

The key features of this sample include: