Implementing the session controller

To customize the behavior of Decision Center, you implement the IlrSessionController controller interface.

You use IlrSessionController to customize the permission management in Decision Center, by implementing the following methods:
You can also use the controller to report changes through the following methods:
Finally, you can use the controller to control the various aspects of an EMF attribute or reference through the following methods:

The default controller

Decision Center comes with a default implementation of the controller: IlrDefaultSessionController.

To keep the default Decision Center behavior while adding your own customizing, subclass the default controller instead of rewriting a new one.

Setting up your own controller

To set up your own controller, repackage the Decision Center archive with the repackage-ear command. In the repackage-ear command, use the -DadditionalJars argument to specify the JAR file containing your custom class.


For information on how to repackage the Decision Center archive, see Repackaging the Decision Center archive.

Then, to specify that Decision Center must use your controller class instead of the default one, you have two options:
  • Set it as a Decision Center configuration parameter using the set-config-param Ant task:

    ant set-config-param -Dkey=teamserver.controller.class -Dvalue=mycompany.MyControllerClass

  • Set it as a preference, adding the following line in a file that you can put in your JAR file:
