Memory consumption reduction

To reduce memory consumption of the rule engine in sequential mode, you can use the select and dynamicselect keywords, the dynamicselect keyword followed by a rule domain, or remove rule metadata.

The memory consumed when a rule engine uses sequential processing can be significantly reduced if the executable objects created to realize the condition part and the action part are discarded.

Use of select and dynamicselect keywords

Using the select and dynamicselect keywords, you can select the rules belonging to a rule task. These keywords operate on IlrRule objects and return a Boolean value to indicate whether a rule is selected. For example:

body = select(?rule) {
               if (?rule.getName().startsWith("R1.") return true;
               else return false;

From the select and dynamicselect keywords, the rule engine iterates on the rules of the ruleset and calls the selector for each of them. When the total number of rules is high and the selected number of rules is low, the loop is likely to consume much memory. To overcome this expensive memory usage, you can write the select and dynamicselect functions with no arguments. Wehn the functions take no arguments, the body of the selector iterates on the rules and returns an array of IlrRule objects. For example:

body = select() {
              IlrRule[] rules = getRuleset().getAllRules();
              // do some selection...
              return rules;

By using the select and dynamicselect keywords, together with an indexing mechanism to find the rules efficiently, you can eliminate long loops that consume expensive memory.

Use of dynamicselect followed by a rule domain

A dynamicselect keyword can be followed by a domain, initiated by the in keyword (see in in the IRL Reference for the full reference of the in keyword). Here is an example of how to use the dynamicselect with the in keyword:

body = dynamicselect(?rule) {
               if (?rule.getName().startsWith("R1.") return true;
               else return false;
           } in EXPRESSION;

Here, in EXPRESSION is optional. The EXPRESSION element must have the type IlrRule[] and is generally a method call. The rules of EXPRESSION are compiled once. The dynamicselect statement itself selects the rules among the rules of EXPRESSION.

When the selector is defined with an argument, instead of iterating on the entire ruleset to find which rules compose the rule task body, it iterates only on the rules of the domain. The domain represents a superset of the rules that compose the body of the rule task. If the rule task is defined with the algorithm property equal to sequential, Java bytecode is generated only for the rules of this superset. At each computation of the actual set of rules of the rule task body, that is, at each execution of the rule task, the significant bytecode generated for the superset is activated for this execution.

The rule domain provides two benefits:


Since EXPRESSION is computed only once, it must not depend on rule-engine-specific parameters. In other words, EXPRESSION should only depend on static rule properties.

Removal of rule metadata

For the case where every dynamicselect is provided with a domain, the bytecode can be prepared before a rule engine is created. After a rule engine has been created, the rule metadata of the prepared bytecode is no longer necessary to the sequential execution mode and can be removed.

For the the rule metadata to be removed, you can use these methods after the ruleset has been passed: