Creating a rule project template

You use rule project templates to provide greater consistency in rule project design and to eliminate duplication of developer work.

About this task

You can create a rule project template based on all types of rule artifacts and any rule project structure, including a XOM project. You can create the template from multiple projects and project dependencies.

You create the template using a wizard. You can custom design the template by choosing the resources to be included in the rule project template. You can add template documentation to describe the template structure and use. The end result is an Eclipse plug-in for deployment.


To create a rule project template for Rule Designer:

  1. On the File menu, click New > Other > Plug-in Project and then click Next.
  2. In the Plug-in Project dialog, on the New Plug-in Project page, type in the name of the new rule project template.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Complete the Plug-in Content dialog and then click Next.
  5. In the Templates dialog, select Plug-in that defines a new template for the Rule Project wizard and then click Next.
  6. In the Resources to Include as Template Files dialog, on the New plug-in Project with Custom Templates page, select the resources to be included in the template and then click Next.

    All the resources from the current project are listed for possible inclusion.

  7. In the Custom Rule Project Template Settings dialog, complete the settings and then click Finish.


When you have created the new plug-in, you can test it. In response to the query, open the associated view. Use the Eclipse export wizard to export the plug-in to, for example, your Rule Designer Eclipse install directory. You can also deploy the plug-in directly, either in the Eclipse application directory or any directory that is an extension to the Eclipse application you are using. When you restart Eclipse, you can select the new rule project template.