Usage: arsadm user -h hostname [-u <userid>] [-p <passwd>] [-v]
(-F <parmfile> | ([-a <action>] [-d <desc>] [-e <expire_date>]
[-f <format>] [-g <[+-]group1>] -i <userid> [-s <time_out>]
[-t <type>] [-w <passwd>] [-A <account>] [-B <bldg>]
[-C <company>] [-D <dept>] [-G <cover_page>] [-L <dflt_prtr>]
[-N <name>] [-P <phone_no>] [-R <room>] [-T <title>]
[-U <uid>] [-X <fax_no>] [-E <email>] [-1 <addr1>]
[-2 <addr2>] [-3 <addr3>] [-4 <addr4>]))
Version: version
-a <action>
a Add user
d Delete user
u Update user
-d <desc> Description
-e <expire_date> Date used to delete users
-f <format> Format of date string
-g <[+-]group1> list of userids separated by spaces
+ add user to group
- remove user from group on update
-h <hostname> OnDemand Hostname (command line only)
-i <userid> New or existing userid
-p <passwd> OnDemand User Login Password (command line only)
-s <time_out> Inactivity Time out
-t <type>
a Create appl/appl grps
b Create appl/appl grps & folders
c Create users
d Appl group/folder administrator
e Create groups
f Create folders
g User administrator
s System administrator
u User
-u <userid> OnDemand User Login Name (command line only)
-v Verbose (command line only)
-w <passwd> Password of user being processed
-A <account> Account information
-B <bldg> Building
-C <company> Company
-D <dept> Department
-E <email> E-Mail Address
-F <parmfile> Requests parameter file (command line only)
-G <cover_page> Cover page
-L <dflt_prtr> Default printer
-N <name> Name
-P <phone_no> Phone number
-R <room> Room
-T <title> Title
-U <uid> UID
-X <fax_no> Fax number
-1 <addr1> Address line 1
-2 <addr2> Address line 2
-3 <addr3> Address line 3
-4 <addr4> Address line 4
Flags in a parameter file must be delimited by brackets EX: [-i userid]


An incorrect parameter was specified for the command. The valid parameters are given in the message and are explained in the Content Manager OnDemand Administrator's Guide.

User response

Resubmit the command with the correct parameters.