AIX Server install tasks

In order for the tooling to access the development AIX system, a server side application must be installed.


  1. Confirm that your system meets the software requirements described in the section Software requirements.
  2. Confirm that your AIX user ID has root access.
  3. With the product image there is a AIX/Linux Server runtime image. In that image, there is a directory called AIXServerRuntime. In this directory are installp filesets. Copy the installp filesets to a directory on the target AIX system.
  4. Install the installp filesets using a user ID that has root access on the target AIX server using the "installp" or "smitty installp" AIX commands. For example: "installp -agXd <directory_with_installp_filesets> all"
  5. By default a daemon will start to run at port 8050. This port is used by the tooling to communicate with the AIX system. To configure a different port, you can edit the $port variable of the /opt/IBM/RDAIXLinux/9.1/rse/ script.
  6. To restart the daemon, an administrator will need to first kill the daemon and then restart it via the "telinit q" command.
  7. To make the connection secure using SSL, the server needs to be configured as follows:
    1. You need to use keytool (provided by the java SDK) to generate a key pair (public and associated private key). The following command can be used to do this, given an aliasname, keystorename and a password: "keytool -genkey -alias <aliasname> -validity 3650 -keystore <keystorename> -storepass <password> -keypass <password>"
    2. After using keytool to generate a keystore, you need to edit the file in the /opt/IBM/RDAIXLinux/9.1/rse directory.
