Viewing subscriptions

You can view the subscriptions assigned to existing users, or view the subscriptions that are available to assign to new service users. In addition to the mail service, other subscriptions can include collaboration services. Third-party integrated applications may also display if your organization has enabled them.

About this task

Use these steps to view the available subscriptions, and find out how many user accounts are available for each subscription.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the navigation pane, click Subscriptions.

Viewing assigned subscriptions

About this task

To view the subscriptions that are assigned to an existing user, perform the following steps.


  1. Log on to the service as an administrator.
  2. If your account also has the User role, click Admin > Manage Organization.
  3. In the navigation pane, click User Accounts.
  4. If your organization uses partitions, select the partition.
    Tip: If you do not know the user's partition, click User Accounts in the navigation pane to locate the user and view the partition assignment. Alternatively, if you have the Administrator role, select All to view the names of users in all partitions.
  5. Locate the user name. The assigned subscriptions are listed in the Subscription column.