Logging on as the first company administrator

An IBM® Customer Service Representative creates the IBM SmartCloud® Notes® account for your company. This step creates a company administrator account under a name and email address provided by your company. IBM sends an email to the address confirming your purchase. To activate the account for your company, follow the URL link in this email and log on to the IBM Connections™ Cloud website as the company administrator.

About this task

Perform the following steps to activate the account for your company and log on as the first company administrator.


  1. Open the email that was sent to the company administrator email address confirming your purchase.
  2. Click the URL link in the email, to open the Registration page.
  3. Perform the following steps on the Registration page:
    1. Create and confirm a service logon password.
      Important: The email address that is shown is the logon name for the company administrator account. Be sure to remember it and the new password.
    2. Select a country, language, and time zone.
    3. Read the terms of use and privacy practices information, and if you agree to them, click I accept the Terms of Use.
    4. Click Submit.
    5. Log on using the company administrator email logon and new password.


You are now logged on to your home page. To log on in the future, go to http://www.ibmcloud.com/social.

What to do next

Configure the SmartCloud Notes service, if IBM is not configuring it for you.