Configuring the REST service to GET session and behavior attributes

The client can use REST services in the attribute collection service to GET session and behavior attributes.

About this task

An administrator must enable the attributeCollection.enableGetAttributes property before using the REST services capability. If you do not enable this property, the following error message is returned when the attribute collection service or the client attempts to GET behavior or session attributes:

FBTRBA079E The attribute collection service GET method is not enabled.

The GET method is not enabled by default. To enable specific clients to GET attributes from the attribute collection service, you must add their corresponding host names to the attributeCollection.getAttributesAllowedClients property. If the administrator does not set this property, any client can GET attributes from the attribute collection service.


  1. Log in to the local management interface.
  2. Click Secure Mobile Settings.
  3. Under Manage, click Advanced Configuration.
  4. Enable the attributeCollection.enableGetAttributes property.