
Some errors might occur while you run a non-admin Windows discovery. You can find here the descriptions of the most common errors and see how to fix them.

The session sensor ends with the CTJTP1163E error

The following error might occur if the DCOM configuration and WMI configuration for the non-admin user is not correct:
CTJTP1163E The following WMI session cannot be established (WMI: SELECT BuildVersion FROM Win32_WMISetting failed: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED));
Follow the instructions from the following sections: Setting up the WMI configuration and Setting up the DCOM Access for ibmcol.

The session sensor ends with the CTJTP1161E error

The following error might occur if the non-admin user is configured correctly, but the TADDM WMI files were not deployed:
CTJTP1161E The application cannot establish the following WMI session: SessionClientException: InstallProvider failed: could not copy files to remote host: System.Exception: WNetAddConnection2: Access is denied.
Follow the instruction from the following section: Copying the TaddmWmi files.