Enabling Software License Metric Tags

In TADDM and onwards, you can generate Software License Metric (SLM) tags for license usage. The following information explains the TADDM and IBM License Metric Tool integration.

Integrating with the IBM license metric tool

IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) is a product that identifies which software assets you have installed and their license usage. IBM License Metric Tool provides a simple way to track IBM software that you are using.

When you install TADDM, the installation enables you to generate IBM software license metric tag (slmtag) files. You can use versions of the SLM tool that support IBM slmtag format to generate license consumption reports. This topic provides you information that allows you to interpret these reports, and to configure the generation of slmtag files.

SLM tags

SLM tags provide a standardized capability to report the consumption of the product license metrics (resources related to the use of a software asset). In short – it’s an XML file generated by a product in runtime to self-report its license usage. An SLM tag file has a .slmtag file name extension.

Understanding the TADDM Metrics

The Software License Metric helps you monitor the license usage of IBM® Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM).

It helps calculate the number of RVUs available to installed TADDM software.

Each TADDM installation instance generates or appends to an .slmtag file, and captures below monitored metrics:
    • This metric represents unique TADDM installation. Its value will always be 1
    • This metric represents number of "licensable" servers discovered by TADDM, i.e. count of machines which excludes virtual machines and includes AWS EC2 instances