Migrating from PowerHA SystemMirror 6.1 to PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1.3 or PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.0

To migrate from PowerHA SystemMirror Version 6.1 to PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1.3 or PowerHA SystemMirror 7.2.0, you must update the version of the AIX® operating system for nodes in the cluster.

Note: You cannot upgrade from PowerHA SystemMirror Version 6.1 to PowerHA SystemMirror Version 7.2.3 for AIX. If you are running PowerHA SystemMirror Version 6.1 and you want to upgrade to PowerHA SystemMirror Version 7.2.3 for AIX, you must first upgrade to PowerHA SystemMirror Version 7.1.3, or PowerHA SystemMirror Version 7.2.0.

PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1.0, or later, uses Cluster Aware AIX (CAA), which is a different clustering technology than what is used in PowerHA SystemMirror 6.1.

You can use the PowerHA SystemMirror 6.1 migration assistant tool called clmigcheck to start the migration evaluation process. This tool provides an interactive interface to collect information about your cluster and environment. The clmigcheck tool evaluates all the information that it collects and checks for possible incompatibility issues for the migration.