IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.2

Log file splitter

The splitter provided with the Insight Pack is described here as a reference for users.

WebSphere Application Server splitter

The formats of the SystemOut.log, trace.log, and SystemErr.log files are similar enough that they can share a splitter. The splitter recognizes two styles of log record. Most records begin with a timestamp enclosed in brackets and the splitter uses the timestamp to define the beginning and end of each record. However, some stacktraces have a timestamp at the beginning of every line. In these cases the splitter groups the entire stack trace into one log record.

The following example shows a stacktrace with multiple timestamps. The example is split as a single log record.

[1/2/13 12:26:12:166 EST] 0000005d SystemErr     R java.lang.NullPointerException
[1/2/13 12:26:12:166 EST] 0000005d SystemErr     R          at init
[1/2/13 12:26:12:166 EST] 0000005d SystemErr     R          at abcdefg
