IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.2

Searching DB2 log files for a return code example

You can search the log files for keywords. Search results are displayed in a timeline and a table format. You can use the search function to find fields that are not indexed.

Before you begin

To search a log file, you must first define a data source as the db2diag.log file.

This example shows how to search for RETCODE. For more information about other keywords you can search for in the FUNCTION information, see the DB2®information center for your version here:

For version 10.1:

For version 9.7:


  1. From the Search workspace, click Add Search to create a tab that contains your search criteria.
  2. Optional: To limit the extent of the search to specific data sources and any descendant data sources, select a leaf node from the data source tree.
  3. In the Time Filter pane, click the Time Filter list and select the time period for which you want to search. Select Custom to specify a start time and date, and an end time and date for your search.
  4. In the Search field, type the return code string that you want to search for in the log files.
    For example, to search for return codes related to missing files include the string FILE_DOESNT_EXIST. The full return code for this example is:
    RETCODE : ECF=0x9000001A=-1879048166=ECF_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST

    To search for strings that related to missing files, type FILE_DOESNT_EXIST in the Search field.

  5. Click Search.

    For more information about searching logs, see the section Searching log files in the IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis Knowledge Center


A graph that shows the distribution of matching events in the log is displayed.
