IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.0

Silently removing IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis

You can remove IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis silently by using the sample response file that is provided with the product.

Before you begin

You require the sample response file <HOME>/IBM/LogAnalysis/work_files/removal/sample_silent_loganalytics_removal.xml.

Note: A silent removal can fail if the IBM Installation Manager repository changed since the last installation or removal. This problem can occur even when you update the response file with the correct repository location. If the repository changed, remove or close the old repository connections before you remove the product.
Note: If you have remote installations of Apache Solr, remove them before you remove IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis. For more information about how to do this, see Removing Apache Solr instances.

About this task

Silently removing IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis involves modifying the sample response file and then calling IBM Installation Manager from the command line or from a script to remove the product. IBM Installation Manager obtains the required settings from the response file.


To silent removal the product:

  1. Copy the sample response file to a suitable local directory (for example, your home directory). Use a suitable name for the local response file, for example: smcl_removal.xml
  2. Modify the response file to suit your environment:
    1. Specify the IBM Installation Manager repository location for your environment. For example: repository location='/home/smcl/smcl_build/'
    2. If you changed the default IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis port numbers during or after installation, update the following entries with the new port numbers:
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics WebConsole Port Number -->
      <data key='user.unity.port.number,' value='9988'/>
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics WebConsole Secure Port Number -->
      <data key='user.unity.secureport.number,' value='9987'/>
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics Database Port Number -->
      <data key='user.database.port.number,' value='1627'/>
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics DataCollection (EIF) Server Port Number -->
      <data key='user.eif.port.number,' value='5529'/>
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics Search Engine WebConsole Server Port Number -->
      <data key='user.searchengine.port.number,' value='9989'/>
      <!-- IBM Log Analytics Distributed Application Management Server Port Number -->
      <data key='user.zookeeper.port.number,' value='12181'/>
    3. Save your changes.
  3. Use the following command to removal the product:

    ~/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl -s -input <HOME_DIR>/smcl_removal.xml -sVP -acceptLicense

    Where <HOME_DIR> is the directory where you stored the response file.


The progress of the removal is displayed in an IBM Installation Manager console. To run the removal script displaying the console, omit the -sVP option (which shows Verbose Progress).
