IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.0

Configuration properties file

After you complete the installation, to modify the configuration properties edit the file.

Modify only the properties that are listed in the table.
Note: You cannot change any of the other parameters in the file. These parameters are identified as such in the file. If you do change one of these parameters, IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis may not work correctly or at all.
Table 1. parameters
Parameter Description
MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS=1000 The maximum number of search results that can be returned by the search query.
MAX_DATA_FACETS_IN_CHART=1000 The maximum number of facets or data points that can be included in returned search results.
#SEARCH_QUERY_FOR_DEFAULT_SEARCH=* Uncomment this parameter to enable the default search.
MAX_WORK_QUEUE_SIZE=100000 Determines the maximum size of the queue of documents that are being held for annotation and indexing.
NUM_DOCUMENT_PROCESSOR_THREADS=30 Determines the thread pool that is used to select, annotate, and index a document.
batchsize=500000 Determines the maximum number of records that can be loaded by the Generic Receiver in single batch.
UNITY_APP_TIME_OUT = 180 Determines the default time-out value in seconds for the apps. The default value is 180 seconds.
