IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.0

Windows OS Events Insight Pack App

A single sample app is provided with the Windows OS Events Insight Pack. This app queries the data gathered by the application and generates four charts.

The four charts generated by the application are:

By default, the app will query a logsource named WindowsOSEventsLFA.

If you want to run the chart on another logsource based on the WindowsOSEventsLFA source type:

  1. Open the file: <HOME>/AppFramework/Apps/WindowsOSEventsInsightPack_v1.1.0.1/
  2. Update the value of the logsource name from WindowsOSEventsLFA to whatever logsource name is required.
    Note: All configured logsource names can be seen on the IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis Administrative settings UI under the Log Sources tab.
