IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis, Version 1.3.0

Log file annotations

The Generic annotator allows you to search and analyze log files for which a specific annotator is not available. There are two types of annotations created by the Generic annotator. Those are Concepts and Key-Value pairs. This section outlines the purpose, scope, and use of the IBM® Operations Analytics - Log Analysis Generic annotator.

Included concept tokens

A concept is a piece of text that represents a real world entity such as an IP address or a hostname. These concepts are useful for searches as they provide information that can assist you in diagnosing issues. The Generic annotator includes support for these annotation tokens:
Names given to devices that connect to a network and that are referenced in the log record.
IP Address
Numeric labels given to devices that are connected to a network and that are referenced in the log record
Severity Level
The indicator of the severity of an event in a log record. The Generic annotator provides annotation for these severity levels:
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF
  • FINE
  • ALL
Web addresses listed in the log record.
Patterns intended to capture names of constants that might repeat within the log record and that signify the occurrence of some event. For example, ECH_PING_FAIL_BCKP. The Generic annotator assumes that an identifier is a sequence of alphanumeric characters in capitals that may be separated by underscores.

Excluded concept tokens

The Generic annotator assumes that these tokens are noise and they are ignored:
Date and time
For the purposes of analysis date and time are not useful.
The Generic annotator ignores both whole and decimal numbers.
Hexadecimal numbers
The Generic annotator ignores hexadecimal numbers such as 7AB87F.
Stop words
A list of stop words have been defined for the Generic annotator. This is to allow the Generic annotator to ignore common words that might appear frequently, but offer no value in an analysis of the log records.

Key-value pairs

A Key-value annotation extracts data from a log record if it is in the format <key> = <value>. For example, ERROR-CODE = 4499. These Key-value pairs can be used to list the values for each key. These limitations apply to Key-value pair annotations:
Colon separator
Key-value pairs that are separated by a colon are excluded. For example, Label: ECH_PING_FAIL_BCKP.
Hyphen prefix
Key-value pairs where the value begin with a hyphen are excluded. For example, ERRORCODE = -4499.
Numbers with commas
Key-value pairs where the value includes a comma are excluded. For example, ERRORCODE = 4,499.
Forward and backward slash characters
Key-value pairs where the value contains a forward or backward slash are excluded. For example, path = /opt/IBM/.
Key-value pairs where the value is contained within quotation marks. For example, language = “English”.
Delimiter characters
Some limitations exist where the value in a Key-value pair contains a delimiter. However, these depend on the whether the value contains a token that can be annotated based on the list of included tokens. For example, Time = Thu Nov 22 06:28:48 EST 2012 is delimited by a space after Thuand therefore the Key-value pair is assumed to be Key = Time, Value = Thu. However, a Date and Time annotator can annotate the full value to give a value of Key = Time, Value = Thu Nov 22 06:28:48 EST 2012.

Key-value pairs

A Key-value annotation extracts data from a log record if it is in the format <key>=<value>. For example, ERROR-CODE = 4499. These Key-value pairs are used to list the values for each key in the Discovered Patterns section of the Search UI.

There are two categories of KVP annotations. The first is Key-value pairs that are separated by an equal sign (=). The second category is those separated by a colon (:). Each category has a different set of rules to determine what is a valid annotation.

Key-value pairs separated by an equal sign, '='

Key-value pairs separated by a colon, ':'
