IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management, Version

Collecting license compliance records

Run the IlmtCollector script file to generate user history records that are collected from the listener and to add them to a Derby database, where they can be analyzed to determine license compliance.

Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) version 7 is required for use of IPv6 between the Listener and Collector.

When the collector runs, it inserts the user history records that are collected from the listener and adds them to a Derby database. You can configure the location of that database by updating the configuration file.
Important: Make sure that the Listener MAX_HISTORY parameter is set to have sufficient space to store your user history records. For more information about setting this parameter, see IBM System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management Listener configuration.

The IlmtCollector.bat (Windows) and (UNIX) script files are located in the installation directory where you installed IBM® System Dashboard for Enterprise Content Management.

Use the following table to determine how frequently to run the IlmtCollector script:
Number of active users Frequency to run the IlmtCollector script file
1 - 25,000 Once every 24 hours
25,001 - 50,000 Once every 12 hours
50,001 - 75,000 Once every 8 hours
75,001 - 100,000 Once every 6 hours

The syntax and the options for the IlmtCollector script are as follows:
Where OPTION can be one of the following:
   -u   downloads user session history into database (removes the history data 
        from the server)
   -t   tests connection to the database, host, port
   -p   deletes database history records older than date (yyyy)
   -h   help
Example: IlmtCollector -u IlmtReporter.conf localhost 32775
Example: IlmtCollector -t IlmtReporter.conf localhost 32775
Example: IlmtCollector -p IlmtReporter.conf 2013

To collect license compliance records:

Open a command-line prompt and enter the command for your operating system:
Option Description
UNIX installation_directory/ -u configuration_file listener_host listener_port
Windows installation_directory\IlmtCollector.bat -u configuration_file listener_host listener_port
Tip: You can run the script manually, or you can schedule the script to run daily by using any scheduling tool on your operating system (such as UNIX cron).
The usage collector begins collecting data. When data collection is complete, a Done message is displayed on the console.
The following Windows command collects user history data from the server that is called localhost and from port number 32775. Then, the collected data is stored in the Derby database that is specified in the configuration file. In the example, the configuration file is named IlmtReporter.conf and is located in the directory where the command is run.
IlmtCollector.bat -u IlmtReporter.conf localhost 32775

Last updated: March 2016

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