IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2            

Creating a folder

This Content Extended Operation example demonstrates how to create a folder, at the root of the object store or as a child of an attached folder.

The following steps create a folder, either at the root of the object store or as a child of an attached folder.

  1. Select the Component step to bring up the Properties pane.
  2. On the Properties pane, click Add in the Operations section.
  3. Click createFolder to create a new folder.
  4. Specify the following expression values in the Operation Parameters section:
    • parentFolder Attachment pointing to the parent location of the new folder. If the desired location of the child folder is at the top of the object store, specify "||2|3|CE_ObjectStore|" or "|||3|CE_ObjectStore|" when specifying an empty parent folder, where 2 is the folder type which can be ignored, 3 is the object store or library type, and CE_Objectstore is the name of the object store. This represents an empty attachment.
    • className: Folder class to use for the new folder.
    • propArray: Properties for the new folder. Note that FolderName must be set.

      For the specified folder property, you must create three elements within the array: the document's symbolic name, data type and value. An example:

      {"FolderName", "STRING", "MyFolder"} 
    • return_value: The new folder object.
  5. After specifying the parameters, click OK.


Last updated: October 2013

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