
Installing IBM Case Foundation interactively

Use these procedures to install IBM® Case Foundation using the installation wizard screens included with the installation package.

Be sure that you have available the Installation and Upgrade Worksheet that was completed during your planning activities.

  1. Open your completed Installation and Upgrade Worksheet file.
    Tip: In the worksheet file, verify that the Data > Filter > AutoFilter command is enabled. To view only IBM Case Foundation values, filter by CF Installer in the Installation or Configuration Program column.
  2. Log on as cpe_install_user to the application server machine where you are going to install IBM Case Foundation software.
  3. Navigate to the IBM Case Foundation software package in the installation media.
  4. Run one of the following programs in the software package, depending on your operating system:
    Platform Command
    AIX® 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-AIX.BIN
    HPUX 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-HPUX.BIN
    HPUXi 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-HPUXI.BIN
    Linux 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-LINUX.BIN
    Linux for System z 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-ZLINUX.BIN
    Solaris 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-SOL.BIN
    Windows 5.2.0-P8CaseFoundation-WIN.EXE
  5. Complete the IBM Case Foundation installer screens by using the values from your worksheet.
  6. Review the status messages in the final wizard screen, and close the wizard.
  7. When the installation completes, check for errors in the IBM Case Foundation log file case_foundation_install_path/casefoundation_install_log_5.2.0.txt, where case_foundation_install_path is the location where IBM Case Foundation is installed. Also check the file case_foundation_install_path/caseFoundation_install_summary.txt to see a summary of the installation.


Last updated: October 2013

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