A ISubscribedEvent object represents a system or custom event that applies to a ISubscription object. You add a ISubscribedEvent object to a subscription with the ISubscription object's SubscribedEvents property. You set this property to a ISubscribedEventList collection.

To create a ISubscribedEvent object, call the CreateInstance method on the Factory.SubscribedEvent class. You then set the object's EventClass property to a IEventClassDefinition object.

You can get a reference to a SubscribedEvent object by iterating a ISubscribedEventList collection.

Namespace:  FileNet.Api.Events
Assembly:  FileNet.Api (in FileNet.Api.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Interface ISubscribedEvent _
	Implements IRepositoryObject, IEngineObject, ICloneable, IDependentObject
public interface ISubscribedEvent : IRepositoryObject, 
	IEngineObject, ICloneable, IDependentObject
Visual C++
public interface class ISubscribedEvent : IRepositoryObject, 
	IEngineObject, ICloneable, IDependentObject
FileNet.Api.Events.ISubscribedEvent = function();



Auditable: false
AllowsInstances: true
AllowsSubClasses: false
ClassDefinitionName: None
IsDependent: true
IsHidden: false
Searchable: false
StorageType: ObjectStore
SuperclassName: GenericObject

ToggleSee Also