Abstract base class for classes to which holds (deletion prevention) can be applied. A ICmHoldable object participates in a hold relationship represented by a ICmHoldRelationship, which includes properties for setting a ICmHold instance (the hold object) and a ICmHoldable instance (the held object). All of the holds in which a ICmHoldable object participates are contained in the CmHoldRelationships property.

A hold is removed on a ICmHoldable object by deleting the ICmHoldRelationship object that references it.

See Hold Concepts

Namespace:  FileNet.Api.Admin
Assembly:  FileNet.Api (in FileNet.Api.dll)


Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Interface ICmHoldable
public interface ICmHoldable
Visual C++
public interface class ICmHoldable
FileNet.Api.Admin.ICmHoldable = function();



Auditable: false
AllowsInstances: false
AllowsSubClasses: false
ClassDefinitionName: None
IsDependent: false
IsHidden: false
Searchable: false
StorageType: ObjectStore
SuperclassName: Replicable

ToggleSee Also