IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Connecting to a database from Linux and UNIX systems by using the IBM Integration ODBC Database Extender

IBM® Integration ODBC Database Extender encapsulates the unixODBC driver manager. You must set up and configure the broker to use it.

The following information applies to all supported databases.

Before you start:
  1. Copy the odbc.ini sample file that is supplied in the install_dir/ODBC/unixodbc/ directory to a location of your choice. Each broker service user ID on the system can therefore use its own DSN definitions.

    See the sample file contents in Sample IBM Integration Bus ODBC configuration files.

    Note: To prevent problems with the backup and restore procedures, we recommend that the copy of the sample file is placed into the /var/mqsi directory rather than the home directory for your user ID.
  2. Ensure that the odbc.ini file is owned by the mqbrkrs group, and has 664 permissions.
  3. Set the ODBCINI environment variable to point to your odbc.ini file, specifying a full path and file name. Make sure that you point to the copy, do not point to the odbc.ini file in the installation directories.
  4. Copy the odbcinst.ini sample file that is supplied in the install_dir/ODBC/unixodbc/ directory to a location of your choice. See Note: in step 1.

    See the sample file contents in Sample IBM Integration Bus ODBC configuration files.

  5. Ensure that the odbcinst.ini file is owned by the mqbrkrs group and has 664 permissions.
  6. Set the ODBCSYSINI environment variable to point to the directory that contains the odbcinst.ini file, specifying a full path name. Make sure that you point to the directory containing the copy, do not point to the directory containing the odbcinst.ini file in the installation directories.
  7. If you are connecting to DB2® solidDB®, or Informix® databases, set the library search path environment variable to show the location of the libraries for the database manager that you are using.

    For more information about the library search path, ask your database administrator (DBA), or see the documentation for your database manager.

    The library search path environment variable depends on your platform:
    • Linux platformSolaris platformOn Linux and Solaris, set LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    • HP-UX platformOn HP-UX, set SHLIB_PATH.
    • AIX platformOn AIX®, set LIBPATH.

    Updates to the library search path are not required for other supported databases.

  8. If you are using a DB2 database instance that is installed on AIX, a single process can make a maximum of 10 connections that use shared memory to a DB2 database. Use TCP/IP mode to connect to the database instance; see DB2 error message SQL1224N is issued when you connect to DB2.
  9. Edit the final stanza in the odbc.ini file, the [ODBC] stanza, to specify the location of the installed DataDirect ODBC Drivers.
    To ensure that you edit the correct odbc.ini file, you can open the file in the vi text editor by using the following command:
    vi $ODBCINI
    1. In InstallDir, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the ODBC directory. If you do not specify this value correctly, the ODBC definition does not work.
    2. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;###### Mandatory information stanza ######
  10. Edit the first stanza in the odbc.ini file, the [ODBC Data Sources] stanza, to list the DSN of each database.
    For example, on AIX:
    ;###### List of data sources stanza #######
    [ODBC Data Sources]
    DB2DB=IBM DB2 ODBC Driver
    ORACLEDB=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol
    ORACLERACDB=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle RAC Wire Protocol
    ORACLESSLDB=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle SSL Wire Protocol
    SYBASEDB=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol
    SYBASEDBUTF8=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Sybase UTF8 Wire Protocol
    SQLSERVERDB=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol
    SQLSERVERWP=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol
    INFORMIXDB=IBM Informix ODBC Driver
    IDSDB=IBM Informix Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI

    List all your DSNs in your odbc.ini file, regardless of the database manager. You can define multiple DSNs to resolve to the same database; however, if you are using global coordination of transactions with an Oracle database, do not use this option because it might cause data integrity problems.

  11. For each database that you listed in the [ODBC Data Sources] stanza, within the odbc.ini file, create a data source stanza in the odbc.ini file. The entries in the stanza depend on the database manager. Slight differences also occur between operating systems, for example the file paths to the drivers.
    For a DB2 database instance:
    For Linux on x86:
    1. In Driver, add the full path of your DB2 installation.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Database, type the DB2 alias. The data source name must be the same as the database alias name. If you are using a remote DB2 database, you must set up your client/server connection to resolve this alias to the correct database.

      If the requirement is to have multiple stanzas that refer to the same DB2 database, aliases must be created in DB2 by using the DB2 CATALOG command. These aliases can then have their own stanza in the ODBCINI file.

      The ODBCINI file cannot be used to set up aliases for DB2.

      For more information, see the DB2 documentation.

      For example:

      # DB2 stanza
      Description=IBM DB2 ODBC Database
    For all other platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the full path of your DB2 installation.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Database, type the DB2 alias. The data source name must be the same as the database alias name. If you are using a remote DB2 database, you must set up your client/server connection to resolve this alias to the correct database. For more information, see the DB2 documentation.

      If the requirement is to have multiple stanzas that refer to the same DB2 database, aliases must be created in DB2 by using the DB2 CATALOG command. These aliases can then have their own stanza in the ODBCINI file.

      The ODBCINI file cannot be used to set up aliases for DB2.

      For example, on AIX:

      ;# DB2 stanza
      Description=IBM DB2 ODBC Database
    For an Oracle database:
    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini file.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In HostName, type the name or IP address of the machine that is hosting your Oracle system.
    4. In PortNumber, type the number of the port on which your Oracle server is listening on the machine you specified in HostName.
    5. In ServiceName, type the Oracle service name that you want to connect to on the system you specified in HostName.
    6. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# Oracle stanza
      Description=DataDirect ODBC 7.1 Oracle Wire Protocol
    For an Oracle database that uses Real Application Clusters:
    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini file.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In HostName, type the name or IP address of the machine that is hosting your primary (preferred) Oracle instance.
    4. In PortNumber, type the number of the port on which your Oracle server is listening on the machine you specified in HostName.
    5. In ServiceName, type the Oracle Real Application Cluster service name that you want to connect to on the system you specified in HostName.
    6. In AlternateServers, provide a list of alternative locations for this service for situations when the primary location, which is defined in HostName, is unavailable. Each location specification consists of three parts, which are separated by colons. Enter these values as one continuous string; the text in this example has been split to improve readability.
      HostName=<Alternative host name>
      :PortNumber=<Oracle listner port on alternative server>
      :ServiceName=<Service name on the alternative server>
      If you want to specify more than one AlternateServer, separate each additional location specification with a comma. Whenever a new database connection is required, for example after an Oracle instance failover, the primary location will be tried first. However, if the primary location is unavailable, the driver will try the list of alternative locations in turn.
    7. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# Oracle Real Application Clusters stanza
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle RAC Wire Protocol
      ;#This shows one alternate server definition. Add extra ones using a ',' to seperate each definition.
    For an Oracle database that uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL):
    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini file.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In HostName, type the name or IP address of the machine that is hosting your primary (preferred) Oracle instance.
    4. In PortNumber, type the number of the port on which your Oracle server is listening for SSL connections on the machine you specified in HostName.
    5. In ServiceName, type the Oracle SSL service name that you want to connect to on the system you specified in HostName.
    6. In KeyPassword, type your SSL key password.
    7. In KeyStore, type the fully qualified name of your SSL key store.
    8. In KeyStorePassword, type your SSL key store password.
    9. In TrustStore, type the fully qualified name of your SSL trust store.
    10. In TrustStorePassword, type your SSL trust store password.
    11. In EncryptionMethod, type the method to use to encrypt data sent between the driver and the database server. Valid values are as follows:
      • 0 No encryption. This value is the default.
      • 1 SSL. If the server supports protocol negotiation, the driver and server negotiate the use of TLS v1, SSL v3, or SSL v2 in that order
      • 3 SSL3.
      • 4 SSL2.
      • 5 TLS1.
    12. In ValidateServerCertificate, type 1 to enable validation of the certificate that is sent by the database server when SSL encryption is enabled.
    13. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# Oracle using SSL stanza
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol
    For an Oracle database that uses Advanced Security (OAS):
    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, ensure that the path points to the driver file in the IBM Integration Bus installation location, as shown in the following example.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In HostName, type the name or IP address of the machine that is hosting your Oracle system.
    4. In PortNumber, type the number of the port on which your Oracle server is listening on the machine you specified in HostName.
    5. In ServiceName, type the Oracle service name that you want to connect to on the system you specified in HostName.
    6. In EncryptionLevel, type the level of encryption that you are using. Choose one value from the following options:
      • 0 Rejected. If rejected, or if no match is found between the driver and server encryption types, then data that is sent between the driver and the database server is not encrypted or decrypted. If the Oracle server has its sqlnet.encryption_server setting set to REQUIRED, and this option is selected, then the connection to the Oracle database fails.
      • 1 Accepted. Encryption is used on data that is sent between the driver and the database server if the database server requests or requires it.
      • 2 Requested. Data that is sent between the driver and the database server is encrypted and decrypted if the database server permits it.
      • 3 Required. Data that is sent between the driver and the database server must be encrypted and decrypted. If the Oracle server has its sqlnet.encryption_server setting set to REJECTED and this option is selected, then the connection to the Oracle database fails.
    7. In DataIntegrityLevel, choose one value from the following options:
      • 0 Rejected. A data integrity check on data that is sent between the driver and the database server is refused. If the Oracle server has its sqlnet.crypto_checksum setting set to REQUIRED and this option is selected, then the connection to the Oracle database fails.
      • 1 Accepted. A data integrity check can be made on data that is sent between the driver and the database server. Data integrity is used if the database server requests or requires it.
      • 2 Requested. The driver enables a data integrity check on data that is sent between the driver and the database server if the database server permits it.
      • 3 Required. A data integrity check must be performed on data that is sent between the driver and the database server. If the Oracle server has its sqlnet.crypto_checksum setting set to Rejected and this option is selected, then the connection to the Oracle database fails.
    8. In EncryptionType, specify a comma-separated list of the encryption algorithms to use. Valid values are AES128,AES192,AES256,RC4_40,RC4_56,RC4_128,RC4_256,DES,3DES112,3DES168
    9. In DataIntegrityTypes, specify the method that the driver uses to protect against attacks that intercept and modify data that is being transmitted between the client and server. Valid values are SHA1, MD5, or both.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# Oracle using SSL stanza
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol
    For a Sybase database:
    For all platforms except Linux on IBM z Systems:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini file.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Database, type the name of the database to which you want to connect by default. If you do not specify a value, the default value is the database that is defined by your system administrator for each user.
    4. In NetworkAddress, type the network address of your Sybase ASE server (this address is required for local and remote databases). Specify an IP address or server name as follows:
      <Your Sybase server name or IP address>,<Your Sybase port number>

      For example: Sybaseserver,5000. You can also specify the IP address directly, for example,5000. You can find the port number in the Sybase interfaces file that is named interfaces.

    5. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# Sybase Stanza
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC Sybase Wire Protocol
      If you want to use a UNICODE UTF8 Sybase data source, add the following line to the end of your Sybase stanza:
    For remote access to a SQL Server database
    Two ODBC drivers are provided for connectivity to a SQL Server database:
    1. DataDirect SQL Server (Native) Wire Protocol driver
    2. DataDirect SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol driver
    The DataDirect SQL Server (Native) Wire Protocol driver uses the SQL Server 2008 TDS protocol and provides support for new features and data types.

    To configure a data source stanza to use the DataDirect SQL Server (Native) Wire Protocol driver, complete the following actions:

    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini file.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Database, type the name of the database to which you want to connect by default. If you do not specify a value, the default value is the database that is defined by your system administrator for each user.
    4. In HostName, type the name or IP address of the server to which you want to connect.
    5. In PortNumber, type the number of the port of the server listener.
    6. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# UNIX to SQLServer stanza using the SQL Server Wire Protocol driver
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 SQL Server Wire Protocol
      Database=<Your Database Name>
      HostName=<Your SQLServer Machine Name>
      PortNumber=<Your SQLServer Port Number>

      SQL Server driver was introduced with IBM Integration Bus V9.0.0.3. If you are at an earlier version than V9.0.0.3, SQL Server driver should be used.

    To configure a data source stanza to use the DataDirect SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol driver:
    For all platforms:
    1. In Driver, add the IBM Integration Bus installation location to complete the fully qualified path to the driver shown in the sample odbc.ini.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Address, either:
      1. Specify an IP address or server name and a port number to locate the SQLServer database you want to connect to, as follows:
        <Your SQLServer machine name or IP address>,<Your SQLServer port number>
      2. Specify an IP address or server name and an instance name to locate the SQLServer database you want to connect to, as follows:
        <Your SQLServer machine name or IP address>\<Your SQLServer instance name>
        If your instance name is blank, specify <Your SQLServer machine name or IP address>
    4. In Database, type the name of the database to which you want to connect by default. If you do not specify a value, the default value is the database that is defined by your system administrator for each user.
    5. Accept the default values shown in the sample odbc.ini file for all the other entries in the stanza.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# UNIX to SQLServer stanza
      Description=DataDirect 7.1 ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol
    For an Informix database
    1. In Driver:
      • If you are using the Informix Client SDK 4.10, add the full path of your Informix Client library: Driver=/full_path_of_your_Informix_Client_installation/lib/cli/
      • If you are using an older client SDK, use
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In ServerName, type the name of the Informix IDS server.
    4. In Database, type the name of the database to which you want to connect by default. If you do not specify a value, the default value is the database that is defined by your system administrator for each user.


      ;# Informix Stanza for Informix Client SDK 4.10
      Description=IBM Informix ODBC Database
      ;# Informix Stanza for Informix Client SDK 3.70 or earlier
      Description=IBM Informix ODBC Database
    For a solidDB database:
    For all platforms except Linux on POWER® and Linux on IBM z Systems:

    Client side

    odbc.ini file

    1. In Driver, add the full path of your solidDB Client library.
    2. In Description, type a meaningful description of the database. This field is for information only and does not affect the connection.
    3. In Database, type the name of the database to which you want to connect by default. If you do not specify a value, the default value is the database that is defined by your system administrator for each user.
      For example, on AIX:
      ;# SolidDB Stanza
      Description=IBM Solid DB ODBC database

      Note: all additional information is ignored.

    solid.ini file

    1. This configuration file is located in the directory that is referenced by the environment variable SOLIDDIR.
    2. The solid.ini mapping is from the data source name (as defined in ODBCINI) to the solidDB connection string.
    3. The connection string takes the form <logical name of the driver> = <physical solidDB connect string>.
    4. The Physical connection string specifies the:
      • Protocol
      • Machine name or IP address
      • Port number to use
      For example, on AIX:
      [Data Sources] 
      SOLIDDB_DB=tcp my_aix_system 1964 

    Server side

    solid.ini file

    1. This configuration file is located in the installation directory for solidDB.
    2. Set the Data Source as for the Client side solid.ini file.
    3. Set Listen to where the listener for the server is located.
    4. Set CharPadding=yes and NumericPadding=yes to turn on padding.
      For example, on AIX:
      [Data Sources] 
      SOLIDDB_DB=tcp my_aix_system 1964
      Listen=tcpip 1964
  12. Ensure that you have edited all necessary parts of all of the relevant .ini files:
    • The [ODBC Data Source] stanza at the top of the odbc.ini file.
    • A stanza for each data source in the odbc.ini file.
    • The [ODBC] stanza at the end of the odbc.ini file.
    • Additionally, for solidDB, both the client and server-side solid.ini files.
    If you do not configure all parts correctly, the ODBC DSNs do not work and the broker is unable to connect to the database.
  13. Optional: On AIX, database connect times can sometime take marginally longer than on other Linux and UNIX platforms due to the IBM Integration ODBC Database Extender searching for unicode conversion libraries that do not typically exist on AIX. You can set the following property in the [ODBC] stanza of the odbcinst.ini file to prevent this automatic search:
You have now configured database connections on Linux and UNIX. You can check that the ODBC environment is configured correctly by running the mqsicvp command. For more information, see mqsicvp command.

bk58060_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017