IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Unresponsive message flows

Allows system administrators to monitor a message flow to see if it has been requested to stop and to take the required action.

Under certain conditions message flow processing can become unresponsive, for instance when: In previous releases of WebSphere® Message Broker the only way to resolve this situation is by terminating the integration server process. As part of IBM® Integration Bus Version 9.0 new functions are introduced to allow termination of unresponsive message flows in a controlled manner.

The following topics explain the functions available:

Programmatically check from within a message flow if it has been requested to stop

By using the programming APIs (ESQL, Java™, and .NET), you are able to see if a message flow has been requested to stop. For more information, see Check if a message flow has been requested to stop.

Manually force a message flow to stop

A force option –f has been added to the mqsistopmsgflow command to allow you to specify how the message flow can be forced to stop. For more information, see Manually force a message flow to stop.

Automatically force a message flow to stop
Two message flow properties are provided which can be set within the BAR file and the workload management policy:
  • processingTimeoutSec – maximum time a message flow can process a message before taking an action.
  • processingTimeoutAction – the action to take. Currently, this is restricted to none or restartExecutionGroup.
Additionally, an event message is published on a WebSphere MQ topic once the processingTimeoutSec is exceeded and again when the message flow processing has finished.

For more information, see Automatically force a message flow to stop.

bj58380_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017