IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Working with Activity logs in a CMP application

View Activity log entries for message flows and resource types in your CMP applications.

Before you start:
You can create CMP applications to examine and analyze your Activity logs.
Checking which resource types can generate Activity logs
 * Sample CMP API code that connects to a local broker
 * called 'testbrk' and lists the available
 * resource types on the integration server 'exgp' that can 
 *  generate Activity logs.
try {
  BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance("testbrk");
  if (b != null) {
    ExecutionGroupProxy e = b.getExecutionGroupByName("exgp");
    if (e != null) {
      Properties rms = new Properties();
      rms.setProperty(AttributeConstants.ACTIVITYLOG_SUPPORTED_PROPERTY, AttributeConstants.TRUE);
      Enumeration <ResourceManagerProxy> rmps = e.getResourceManagers(rms);
      while (rmps.hasMoreElements()) {
        ResourceManagerProxy rmp = rmps.nextElement();
        String name = rmp.getName();
} catch (ConfigManagerProxyException ex) {
Retrieving Activity log entries for a particular resource type
 * Sample CMP API code that connects to a local broker
 * called 'testbrk' and retrieves and prints out Activity
 * entries for resource type 'JMS' on integration server 'exgp'.
try {
  BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance("testbrk");
  if (b != null) {
    ExecutionGroupProxy = b.getExecutionGroupByName("exgp");
    if (e != null) {
      ResourceManagerProxy rmp = e.getResourceManagerByName("JMS");
      if(rmp != null) {
        ActivityLogProxy al = rmp.getActivityLog();
        if (al != null) {
          for (int i = 1; i <= al.getSize(); i++) {
            ActivityLogEntry ale = al.getLogEntry(i);
} catch (ConfigManagerProxyException ex) {
Retrieving Activity log entries for a particular message flow
 * Sample CMP API code that connects to a local broker
 * called 'testbrk' and gets references to the execution
 * group called 'default', the application belonging to this integration server called 'app', 
 * and the message flow in the application called 'msgflow'. 
 * It prints out the Activity
log entries for message flow 'msgflow'.
try {
  BrokerProxy b = BrokerProxy.getLocalInstance("testbrk");
  if(b != null) {
    ExecutionGroupProxy e = b.getExecutionGroupByName("default");
    if (e != null) {
      ApplicationProxy ap = e.getApplicationByName("app");
      if (ap != null) {
        MessageFlowProxy mf = ap.getMessageFlowByName("msgflow");
        if(mf != null) {
          ActivityLogProxy al = mf.getActivityLog();
          if (al != null) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= al.getSize(); i++) {
              ActivityLogEntry ale = al.getLogEntry(i);
} catch (ConfigManagerProxyException ex) {

bj55160_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017