IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Configuring WS-RM

Configure reliable messaging for web services.

Use the Policy Sets and Policy Set Bindings editor in the IBM® Integration Explorer to configure the following aspects of WS-RM for SOAP messages sent over HTTP transport:

A message flow with WS-RM enabled can still process messages that do not use the WS-RM protocol.

Message Order

Message order is one of the WS-RM message delivery assurances. You can configure messages to be processed by the message flow in the order in which they were sent. For more information, see Message order.

To enable this message order assurance on the policy set, complete the following steps:

  1. In the IBM Integration Explorer, right-click on the broker with which you want to work, and click Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, select the Security tab, and click Policy Sets.
  3. Create a policy set and add a new WS-RM policy to it.
  4. Select the WS-RM policy, and select the option under Message Order to ensure that messages are delivered in the order that they are sent.
  5. Associate the policy set with a message flow or node; see Associating policy sets and bindings with message flows and nodes.
If WS-RM is enabled and messages are configured to be delivered in the order in which they were sent, this means that later messages are not delivered to the application destination until all earlier messages have arrived and have been delivered. This could result in a large number of blocked undelivered messages if an earlier message is lost.

Enabling the WS-RM InOrder assurance for inbound messages might have an impact on scalability when configuring additional instances. For more information, see Tuning SOAP processing for scalability and performance.

Client compatibility

IBM Integration Bus provides a client compatibility option for working with some WS-RM providers, for example, Microsoft .NET, that use an older version of the protocol. When consuming a web service from one of these providers, ensure that the Client compatibility option Microsoft .NET WCF is selected. For other providers, select Default.
  1. In the IBM Integration Explorer, right-click on the broker with which you want to work, and click Properties.
  2. In the Properties window, select the Security tab, and click Policy Sets.
  3. Create a policy set and add a new WS-RM policy to it. Alternatively, modify an existing policy.
  4. Select the WS-RM policy, and select the appropriate option under Client compatibility to ensure compatibility with the WS-RM provider.
  5. Associate the policy set with a message flow or node; see Associating policy sets and bindings with message flows and nodes.

bc19230_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017