IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version

Integration server HTTP listener parameters (SOAP and HTTP nodes)

Select the resources and properties that are associated with the HTTPInput, HTTPReply, SOAPInput, SOAPReply, and SOAPAsyncResponse nodes that you want to change.

To change these properties, you must specify the broker name and -e followed by the name of a single integration server, and -o to specify the integration server object. If you specify -o ExecutionGroup, you can omit -e to change a property that applies to all integration servers on the specified broker.

Because you define all of these properties at the integration server level, they apply to all HTTPInput, HTTPReply, SOAPInput, SOAPReply, and SOAPAsyncResponse nodes that you deploy to the specified integration server.

By default, the HTTP nodes that you deploy to the broker all use the single broker-wide listener. If you prefer, you can change the configuration of the broker so that all integration servers use the embedded listeners in the integration servers. You can also use the broker-wide listener for some integration servers, and the embedded listener in other integration servers. For more information about these options, see HTTP listeners.

By default, the SOAP nodes that you deploy to an integration server all use the embedded listener. You can change the configuration of some or all of your integration servers so that they use the broker-wide listener. For more information about these options, see HTTP listeners.

If you want HTTP or SOAP nodes to use the broker-wide listener, see Broker-wide HTTP listener parameters formore information about setting this configuration.

You must restart the integration server for all changes to be implemented.

Choose the ObjectName from the following options:

The following combinations are valid:

-o ExecutionGroup

The following properties and values are valid:
-n httpNodesUseEmbeddedListener
Set the value to false, to make all HTTPInput and HTTPReply nodes use the broker-wide HTTP listener, if this listener is enabled. Set the value to true to make all HTTPInput and HTTPReply nodes that are deployed to the specified integration server use the embedded integration server listener.

If you disabled the broker-wide HTTP listener, all HTTPInput and HTTPReply nodes use the embedded listener regardless of the value of this property.

  • Value type - Boolean
  • Initial value - false
-n soapNodesUseEmbeddedListener
Set the value to true to make all SOAPInput, SOAPReply, and SOAPAsyncResponse nodes use the embedded HTTP listener. Set the value to false to make all SOAPInput SOAPReply, and SOAPAsyncResponse nodes that are deployed to the specified integration server use the broker-wide listener, if this listener is enabled.

If you disabled the broker-wide HTTP listener, all SOAPInput, SOAPReply, and SOAPAsyncResponse nodes use the embedded listener, regardless of the value of this property.

  • Value type - Boolean
  • Initial value - true

-o HTTPConnector

The following properties and values are valid for HTTPConnector and HTTPSConnector:
-n address
If your server has more than one IP address, set the value to the IP address that is used for listening on port 7080. If this property is not set, port 7080 is used on all IP addresses associated with the server. A maximum of one address can be specified.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - null
-n maxPostSize
Set the value to the maximum POST size (in bytes) that can be processed by the broker-wide listener. Set the value to 0 to remove the limit.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 2097152 (2 megabytes)
-n acceptCount
Set the value to the maximum number of incoming connection requests that can be queued. Requests that are received when this limit is reached are rejected.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 100
-n compressableMimeTypes
Set the value to a list of MIME types that are applicable for HTTP compression. Other MIME types are not compressed.
  • Value type - comma-separated list
  • Initial value - text/html,text/xml,text/plain
-n compression
Set the value to off to disable compression, on to compress text data, force to compress all data, or the minimum size (in bytes) of data that must be received, before the output is compressed. If compression is enabled and the content-length is not known, all the output is compressed.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - off
    Note: For the webadmin component, compression is turned on by default for new brokers.
-n connectionLinger
Set the value to the number of seconds for which the sockets (used by the HTTPConnector) must remain active after a shutdown is initiated.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - JVM default
-n connectionTimeout
Set the value to the number of milliseconds the HTTPConnector must wait for a request to be received after it accepts a connection. Set the value to -1 to specify no timeout.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 60000
-n maxHttpHeaderSize
Set the value to the maximum size (in bytes) that the HTTPListener accepts for an HTTP header.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 8192 (8 kilobytes)
-n maxKeepAliveRequests
Set the value to the maximum number of requests that can use a persistent connection. Set the value to 1 to disable keep-alive requests and force the creation of a new connection for each request. Set the value to 0 or -1 to allow unlimited requests.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 100
-n maxThreads
Set the value to the maximum number of threads that can be created by the HTTPConnector.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 200
-n minSpareThreads
Set the value to the minimum number of threads that must be active.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 10
-n noCompressionUserAgents
Set the value to a regular expression that, when matched with the user-agent header, disables compression.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - null
-n restrictedUserAgents
Set the value to a regular expression that, when matched with the user-agent header, disables keep-alive.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - null
-n serverName
Set the value that is set in the "Server" header for all HTTP responses sent by this server.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - Apache-Coyote/1.1
-n socketBuffer
Set the value to the size (in bytes) of the buffer that must be used for socket output buffering. Set the value to -1 to disable the use of a buffer.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 9000 (9 kilobytes)
-n tcpNoDelay
Set the value to true, to send small packets immediately.
  • Value type - Boolean
  • Initial value - true
-n enableLookups
Set the value to true to use DNS lookups to return the host name of the remote client. Set the value to false to return the IP address instead.
  • Value type - Boolean
  • Initial value - false
-n explicitlySetPortNumber
Set the value to the TCP/IP port number on which the Connector creates a server socket and awaits incoming connections.

Setting this value disconnects the automatic port-finding capability of the connector; this port is the only one allowed, and the connector fails to start if another program has already used this port.

  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 7800-7842
  • Other valid values - any integer in the range 0-65536.

You must use the explicitlySetPortNumber attribute, because the port attribute no longer works.

When you set the value to zero, the system enables the automatic port-finding capability again, starting with the last used port, which was saved by the integration server. You can change the default port that is used when port-scanning starts by explicitly setting a value in the range 7800-7842, then specifying the port number as zero.

The initial value for HTTPS is 7843 within the range 7843-7884.

-n autoRespondHTTPHEADRequests

Use this value to specify if the connector handles HEAD requests for HTTP traffic in the same way that it does for SOAP traffic. Set the value to true to make the connector return an HTTP 200 OK response if the request is for a URI associated with a message flow.

Set the value to false to invoke the message flow if the request is for a URI associated with a message flow. The flow receives the request like a new message, and must be able to handle a HEAD request for proper handling.
Note: If the request is not for a URI associated with a message flow, the connector returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.
  • Value type - boolean
  • Initial value - false
Start of change-n integratedWindowsAuthenticationEnd of change
Start of changeSet the value to NTLM to use the NTLM protocol (Windows only), Negotiate to use the Negotiate process (SPNEGO) to select between NTLM (on Windows) and Kerberos protocols, or Negotiate:Kerberos to negotiate only the use of the Kerberos protocol. Multiple values can be specified, separated by a semicolon or a space, and are not case-sensitive. The order that the values are specified in, is the order in which they are returned to the client in the HTTP response. To disable Integrated Windows Authentication, set this property to a blank string.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - null
End of change

-o HTTPSConnector

The properties that are listed for the HTTPConnector are also valid for the HTTPSConnector. The following additional properties and values are valid for the HTTPSConnector:

The following additional properties and values are valid:
Tip: The valid values for keystoreType, sslProtocol, sslSessionTimeout, and ciphers are JSSE-implementation-specific. These values are in the JSSE provider documentation. For a list of the platforms that use IBM® Java™, see Appendix A of the IBM JSSE2 Guide, at:
-n algorithm
Set the value to the certificate-encoding algorithm to use.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value -
    • Solaris platformHP-UX platformSunX509 on Solaris and HP-UX
    • AIX platformz/OS platformLinux platformWindows platformIbmX509 on other systems (AIX®, Linux, Windows, z/OS®)
-n clientAuth
Set the value to true if a valid SSL certificate must be received from the client before a connection can be accepted.
  • Value type - Boolean
  • Initial value - false
-n keystoreFile
Set the value to the path and file name of the keystore file where the server certificate is stored.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - platform default
-n keystorePass
Set the value to the password that is used to access the server certificate in the keystore file. The value can either be a plaintext password or, if the value is prefixed with "brokerKeystore::", the password is the named value that is configured by the mqsisetdbparms command.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - changeit
-n keystoreType
Set the value to the type of keystore file used.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - JKS
-n truststoreFile
Set the value to the path and file name of the truststore file.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - platform default
-n truststorePass
Set the value to the password used to access the truststore file. The value can either be a plaintext password or, if the value is prefixed with "brokerTruststore::", the password is the named value that is configured by the mqsisetdbparms command.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - changeit
-n truststoreType
Set the value to the type of truststore file used.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - JKS
-n sslProtocol
Set the value to the version of the SSL protocol to use.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - TLS
From Integration Bus V9.0.0.3 onwards, SSLv3 is disabled due to the Poodle vulnerability. Therefore TLS is set as the default protocol. Versions of Integration Bus earlier than V9.0.0.3 the default protocol is still SSLv3.
-n ciphers
Set the value to a list of the encryption ciphers that can be used. If no value is set, any available cipher is used. The client sends a list of ciphers in priority order. The server selects the first acceptable cipher in the list. If none of the ciphers in the list are suitable, the server returns a handshake failure alert and closes the connection.
  • Value type - comma-separated list
  • Initial value - null
-n keyAlias
Set the value to the alias that is given to the server certificate in the keystore. By default, the first key in the keystore is used.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - null
-n keypass
Set the value to the password that is used to access the server certificate in the keystore file. The value can either be a plaintext password or, if the value is prefixed with "brokerKeystore::keypass", the password is the named value that is configured by the mqsisetdbparms command.
  • Value type - string
  • Initial value - changeit
-n sessionCacheSize
Set the value to the maximum number of sessions that you allow in the SSL Session Cache. These cached sessions are available for SSL session renegotiation.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 100
-n maxSavePostSize
Set the value to the maximum size in bytes that can be buffered during FORM or CLIENT-CERT authentication.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 2097152 (2MB)
Set the value to the time (in seconds) allowed for an SSL session to be completed. The value is set on the SSLSessionContext for SSLSessions created by the HTTPConnector.
  • Value type - integer
  • Initial value - 86400 (24 hours)
  • Other valid values - any positive integer, 0 means no timeout

See the mqsichangeproperties command for examples of for examples of how to change parameters.

an09148_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017